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(Note: I am trying to establish Reader and Namjoon, so please forgive me for all the details, I want to build up their meeting a bit here. Also going to put my original first chapter back in this new one. I hope you like the changes, and thanks for reading.)

Warm, need someplace warm. The tall boy is alone and shivering now, still shaken with the loss of the other boy. He was wandering the streets of the neighborhood he spotted from the tree line, hoping to find some refuge from the cold night. He wasn't worried about anyone spotting him, it was the middle of the night and most people would be asleep, not watching out their windows for strange figures. The tall boy didn't have much strength left. He continued walking down the street, occasionally sniffing the air. Suddenly, his ears perked up. He caught a whiff of eucalyptus, and something else, maybe ocean air though he was nowhere near an ocean. Some strength seemed to come back to him now, and he followed the scent down the street, determined to find its source. He kept sniffing the air, getting closer to the scent. Finally he came upon a small ranch house. The windows were dark and everything seemed quiet. He took a deep breathe and knew he had found a place to rest for now. He wandered to the back of the house where there was a small porch. There was a table with two chairs around it, and a small bench with cushions on it. He decided to curl up there for the night. The tall boy sat atop the small bench and curled into himself, trying to get warm in the cold night. He took a steadying breathe and wrapped his arms around himself. When he was somewhat comfortable, he let out a quiet sob, and a few tears fell down his cheeks. With the name of the other boy he had lost on his lips, he let out one more quiet sob and finally fell asleep, exhaustion finally over taking him.


Another Saturday morning where you woke up too early. Your body was just used to waking up at 6am for work, and you had to force yourself to at least sleep in until 8. You had managed to stay asleep until 7:30 when your body inevitably decided it needed to get up and use the bathroom. You grumbled and shuffled out of bed to get ready for a day at home. Once again, living alone had its perks. You turned on the bluetooth speaker and started blasting your favorite playlist. There was no one around to complain about the noise this early in the morning or to hear your terrible singing. Shuffling into your kitchen, speaker and phone in hand, you began to gather things to make your breakfast. Weekends were the only time when you were actually able to make something in the mornings because you didn't have to be at work. Over easy eggs, cinnamon toast and sausage links were your best friends on weekend mornings. With your music as your only company, you were once again wondering what it would be like to be doing this with someone else in the kitchen. Maybe following you around the small space, trying to put his hands on your waist and bring you in for a kiss. Or spinning you around to the music, the two of you laughing together. You looked down at your eggs, and sighed. You told yourself again that this was fine, you were fine on your own. You stepped away from the stove for a moment to stare out the back door and look over the porch. The sun was barely up, and the grass was wet with dew. Spring had just arrived and it was trying to chase the still cold winter air away. You opened the back door and stepped out onto the porch. Your music was still playing in the house and you could still hear it from outside. With your arms wrapped around yourself, you took a deep breathe of the morning air and closed your eyes. "Cherry blossoms are blooming, the winter is ending. I miss you (I miss you). I miss you (I miss you)." You snag along quietly to the song. When it ended you turned to go back inside and you noticed a shape on the small bench on your porch. Confusion wracked your brain, you didn't remember leaving anything out here recently. You stepped closer, about to grab what you thought could have been a pile of blankets, when the shape started to move. You stopped in your tracks. The shape was moving and making noises now. The noises were low and sounded like a man waking up in the morning; small moans and gasps. You kept watching as what you were beginning to see were long limbs stretching out. Soon the man was sitting upright, feet planted on the porch. His clothes once looked nice, but now they were dirty and torn. He was wearing grey sweatpants, and running shoes, and a black hoodie, the hood still drawn up over his head, hiding his features. Even with out seeing his face, you somehow knew this man was attractive. And we was tall. The longs legs were stretched out now, and he was starting to wake up more. Wanting to break the silence, you quietly said, "Hello?" The man finally looked up at you. Your eyes went wide. A handsome face was staring back at you. It was covered in dirt and little scratches, but you could still see all his features. High cheekbones, a sharp jawline. A button nose, and intense brown eyes. Plush lips that were slightly open, pink tongue peeking out. The man was just staring back at you, purple hair hanging a little over his eyes. The air seemed to warm up around the two of you. The man was clearly exhausted, and weary of you. Your mind was whirring. Where did he come from? Why was he on your porch? What lead him to be here?

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