Telling and Dreaming

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Note: **This took me a while, I had to make a lot of changes to get the plot together and I hope you all enjoy it. Just want to say that there are mentions of anxiety and forced sex but no details. I didn't want to get too much into that as I didn't feel comfortable. It's mentioned when Namjoon starts telling his story with "My owner" if you want to skip that bit, though I promise it's very short and again no details.


Rain was pounding against the window, waking you. Being such a light sleeper was very irritating at times. You stretched and let out a moan, looking over at Namjoon. Then your cheeks turned red at the memory of last night. Namjoon's punishment. The two of you finally being intimate. You felt a little sore, because it had been a long time and Namjoon was a lot of man to take. You gently stroked the hair off his forehead, admiring him once again. Then a serious thought popped into your head again: how the hell had he ended up here, with you? Were there more hybrids out there somewhere? Where had he come from? Also, he was excellent in bed. He was equal parts dominating and sweet. Almost like, he had been trained. Then you recalled the little information that you knew about hybrids.

While they were companions, they were primarily used for pleasure, and trained to respond accordingly. Of course he was so in tune with your feelings and emotions, your arousal. Why he was so eager to please. Suddenly you had doubts, remembering the confession you also made to each other last night. I love you. You had never said that to anyone but your family and best friends. Had Namjoon meant it? Or was he just doing it because he was trained to? After all, it had only been a few weeks since he came into your life. You didn't really believe that love happened that fast. Maybe that was just the post-sex bliss talking.

You brought your hand down to cup his cheek. He always stayed sound asleep when you gently touched him like this. He let out pleased little sighs and his tail would twitch occasionally. He was too good to be true. Things never worked for you like this. Anxiety started to bubble in your stomach, tears stinging your eyes. The hand on Namjoon's cheek retreated.

A quiet sob escaped your throat, and Namjoon stirred. He let out a grunt as he sat up, trying to shake off sleep. His purple hair was flat on one side of his head where he was resting on the pillow. His ears were perked up, listening to your quiet sobs. Suddenly he was pulling you against his chest. You let out another sob, and then trying to calm yourself down, you took a deep breathe of his scent.

"Noona, Noellle. What's wrong?" Hearing Namjoon say your name was jarring. He usually just called you noona, or mommy if he was needy.

"I, I'm not sure. I just, was thinking about last night. How I've wanted this for so long, and that you are too good to be true." You were hiccuping now, trying to get your breathe under control. Namjoon loosened his hold on you now, hands gently around your waist.

"What do you mean, noona? You took me in, and cleaned me up. I will be forever grateful that I stumbled onto your porch that night. I-I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't found you. You are everything to me now." His voice sounded so sincere, so sure. How could he mean this? He barely knew you. Anxiety was still weighing heavy in your mind. You needed a distraction.

"Namjoon, can you tell me what happened to you? Who were you running from?" Namjoon's hands dropped from your waist, and he was looking down now. He took a shuddering breathe, and took your hands in his. He brought them up to his mouth and gently kissed each of your knuckles. You were feeling calmer now, Namjoon's scent seemed to be filling the whole room now, a heavy musk. Pheromones, you remembered. Hybrids let out different kinds of pheromones for different situations. Sometimes to calm, or arouse, even to ward off others. Namjoon seemed to be doing that for you now. You took another deep breathe, inhaling the calming scent around you.

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