Part 7

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As the nineteenth fighter appears, a flash from the sky appears before a beam hits the ground, revealing the 'fighter'. He's a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes and rather effeminate features. He owns a long sceptre with a gem that floats above it, and is usually seen holding it in his right hand. Around his neck is a large light blue ring. He wears a maroon robe, a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations, and a blue sash. He also wears black high-heeled shoes with white spats. But beside him came the real fighter, yawning out of boredom. He looks like a purple anthropomorphic cat with golden yellow eyes and large pointed ears. His form is hairless and while overall defined in built, he is very thin and bony. He is of a similar height to Goku, being slightly shorter, but his ears make him appear taller. He dons black, blue, and gold Egyptian-looking attire with the same white and orange diamond decorations.

Beerus: Now then... Well then, whenever you're ready.

The annotation reads "Beerus".

Everyone was surprised to see a 'Faunus' fighting.

"I'd never expect to see one of my kind fighting..." Blake and muttered in shock.

"Well, technically, he has animal ears and tail, but why are they huge?" Weiss asked.

"It's because he's a Vacutlesian Rex, a crossbreed." Blake answered. "I met a former one with the same characteristics, back when I was a member of the White Fang. His name was Kallibunker, and his father, Poldhu, who's an Atlesian Rex, married his mother, Lamorna Cove, which is a Vacuonian, another species of cat Faunus."

"So, by marrying different species, you get different species. Interesting..." Ruby thought.

"Well, Blake is technically right. But he's not a Faunus." Ren told the group. "Beerus is a purple anthropomorphic cat. He's lazy and playful like most cats."

"Well, not like one kitty I know~" Yang said as she put her arm over Blake, causing her to blush.

"His similarities to cat-like behaviour also display in his love for long sleep sessions and how he grooms himself."

Blake could only agree on the other part, seeing she cleans herself up after each sleep. But she doesn't sleep that long.

"Beerus is always in a bad mood when he wakes up from his deep slumber, but becomes less grumpy the more awake he is."

"Similar to many cats, he likes to display dominance, and will claim whatever he desires to have without much consideration for how it will affect others. He is also a gourmet, and his planet is stocked with fish and other sorts of food."

Blake could only face palm at the last part, considering she's like Beerus because of her hidden stash of canned salmon and tuna hidden in her closet.

"What about the other guy?" Yatsu asked.

"Whis is Beerus' martial arts teacher. He has a calm, aloof, peaceful personality, but is absent-minded and somewhat effeminate at times. Very eccentric, his priorities can often seem exceedingly trivial."

"So, he's a happy go lucky type, who would've thought." Jaune said, looking at the android-reaper duo. When both of them noticed Jaune, they saw each other and blushed.

"Much like Beerus, he has an obsession with food, getting overly excited and somewhat undignified at new cuisines and can be easily persuaded using delicacies."

"So he gets excited over new food...he reminds me of you Nora." Ren said halfway.

"Aww shucks, Ren. Don't be such a tease." Nora countered with a blush.

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