Part 6

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Android 16

The next fighter is seen hunched over, one hand on the ground, before he rises up to his full height and glares at the camera. He has icy blue eyes, a red/orange mohawk, and gold hoop earrings. His clothing consists of a dark undersuit, with a lime green vest, green boots, and green bracers. A small Red Ribbon Army logo is sewn to the left side of his vest, indicating his creator's affiliation.

Android #16: It looks like I will have to fight...

The annotation reads "Android 16".

Whoa, he's as big as Junior- DAMMIT!" Yang said, hiding her blush from the others.

"Oho, had a little timeout with 'barman', did you?" Blake teased as revenge.

"Sh-shut up, Blake." Yang told the grinning cat girl. "You're lucky you're pretty."

"Despite his intimidating size, monotone dialogue, and seemingly dangerous appearance, Android 16 is calm, friendly, and embraces nature and humanity. He does not tolerate evil and described Cell as an existence whose purpose is to destroy life, especially nature and animals (as Cell is the true evil destroying android that posed a destructive intention to the Earth and its inhabitants of the present timeline, not himself, 17 and 18). He is also protective of whomever he considers his friends, and nature, as he tried to ask Android 17 or 18 to run and hide somewhere and not be absorbed by Cell, even fighting the imperfect bio-android, although these proved futile, as 17's cockiness got the better of him, causing his absorption, and his damaged body and Semi-Perfect Cell's power too much for him, leaving him unable to protect 18, also resulting in her own absorption, and these qualities proved him to be a valuable ally to the in their battle against . Despite his peaceful and friendly nature, he retains a cold and distant attitude towards Goku, since he was initially programmed to kill him. In Xenoverse 2, Android 16 reveals that while he is programmed to kill Goku, he recognizes that Goku is a noble person and admits that he would prefer to be free of it." Ren said, reading from the encyclopedia.

"So, he's a gentle giant like Yatsu." Coco stated. "Wonder what would happen if he saw that bastard Cardin bully Velvet."

16 demonstrates his first Ultimate: Hell Flash. 16 lunges at the opponent and grabs them before lifting them into the air and slamming them into the ground. 16 then removes his forearms, revealing cannons underneath them, before firing off powerful energy beams from them at his opponent.

"...Oookay then, that I can imagine to Cardin, but seriously, that's overkill." Velvet said.

"Ain't no kill better than overkill~" Yang said.

"Can you detach parts of your body Penny?" The little red hood asked.

"Well, so far, I can detach my limbs and head, but my father's planning to make my whole body detachable." Penny stated while pulling her leg (unintended pun).

Now Ruby's blushing when she thought of keeping Penny's waist with her.

16 then demonstrates his second (suicidal) Ultimate: Suicide Bomb. 16 looks down and clutches his chest before lunging at the opponent with his arms outstretched. If he connects, 16 grabs the opponent and gets them into a bear hug. As his opponent struggles to escape his grasp, 16 closes his eyes and screams before detonating the bomb inside of his body. This unleashes a massive explosion that covers the entire arena, causing the entire screen to go white for a second, before cutting back to the arena to show 16 hunched over in a gigantic crater, heavily damaged by the bomb's blast, and the opponent completely obliterated.

(A/N: As a personal side-note.... Fuck this move!!!)

Everyone was scared by the destructive force of his explosion.

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