Chapter 18

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As soon as I finished changing and Rilina thinks I'm all done and ready,we went outside to where the commotion is.My eyes lands on Seokjin first, he looks so serious though I can't tell if he was satisfied with how I look,well not that I care about how he thinks of me duh.Then I saw Yoongi with his i-dont-care—dont-bother-me looks then Namjoon's smiling face while holding on to his girlfriend's waist and two cute guys one must be Seokjin's brother and the other must be the boyfriend.Funny how the other one made me think of Peter Rabbit right now not the animated one but the 3D one,oh maybe because of his bunny smile.

"Hrmmp..I guess we better go now..Namjoon,Rilina thanks for your help". Jin said as he opened the door.

"Anytime hyung". Namjoon said not moving an inch from where he sits while still clinging to his girlfriend.

"Yoongi.." as Jin turned to the one sitting on the couch.

"Hmmn". came his reply eyes not leaving the tv screen.

"Bye Yoongi hyung! Bye Namjoon hyung! Bye Namjoon hyung girlfriend!". Tae said heading out while Jungkook followed behind him leaving a small wave.

I turned to the couple and mouthed my thank you while I waved to Yoongi then I followed them to the car.

I was surprised to see Jin standing holding the car door open for me.

"What are you waiting for? Get in". He said impatiently.

"Oh ok" I said then went in.

"So Y/N as you know this is my brother Taehyung and his boyfriend Jungkook".

"Hello".I said glancing at them sitting at the back.

"Hello Y/N nice to meet you".Taehyung said and Jungkook mumbled hi.

I guess he is a shy type of person but he really reminds me of a bunny well I actually wanted to have a bunny as pet when I was young but my eomm—

"You look good today" as my thoughts was cut by Seokjin's words.

"What did you say?" I asked as I turned to him.

"I won't repeat what I said,I know you heard me" he said amused.

"Hyung said you're pretty Noona!" Taehyung said from the back.I just smiled coz I saw Jin trying to surpress his smile.

"Oh gee..thanks" I whispered trying to hide my blush..wait! Why on earth am I blushing?!!! Like what the heck?! It was just a random compliment from my pretend 'boyfriend' who happens to be utterly why the hell does my cheeks feels like it was burning..?

I fixed my gaze outside after awhile when it became quite inside the car,except for the occasional humming of Taehyung while Jungkook was asleep his head lolling on his boyfriend's shoulder.All the while Seokjin was focused on driving which made me grateful coz I don't know what to say to him if he started complimenting me again.Soon we arrived at their parents house then my hands started to get clammy and shaky.I think Jin must've noticed it for as soon as he parked alongside four more cars he turned to me and held my hands.

"You're gonna be fine Y/N you won't go in there alone..I'm with you on this.Let me do most of the talking alright? Just answer them honestly about yourself and as for 'our relationship' just tell them I meet you at a Baking Expo a few months ago just don't tell them you work for me". As he assured me.

"Alright,ok I'm ready". With that he went out and rounded my side and open the door like a gentleman.

As Taehyung woke up his still sleeping boyfriend and then bunny,I mean Jungkook drowsily went out of the car wiping a bit of his drool.Then Seokjin ring the doorbell and the helper opened the door for us.We step in and saw his parents and another couple probably General Lee and his wife then a good looking guy who must be Ken sitting at the foyer.

As soon as they saw us coming in,his mother stood up and spoke." Jinnie you didn't tell me you're bringing company". His mom said quite surprised.

"Mom,Dad,meet my girlfriend Y/N..she will be joining us for dinner". He said curtly.And then I heard his mother gasped.

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