Chapter 19

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My mom was beyond shocked when I introduced Y/N as my girlfriend as I never bought anyone home let alone introduced someone as my girlfriend.If my dad was surprised he hid it well as he just stood from where he sits and told us to proceed to the dining area where the table is already set,without even glancing or acknowledging my brother and his boyfriend.

I lead Y/N to the dining room with Taehyung behind me and a reluctant Jungkook in tow and when I looked at Ken he was smirking while his gaze was fixed on my hands on Y/N's lower back.

"Nice pick Jin". He said in a low voice.

"Shut up Ken".I said to him coldly.

He was about to say something but was cut when my mom suddenly said "Jin let Y/N sit here".Pointing at the chair beside her.

Y/N timidly sits beside my mom,while I sat on her other side.

"So Y/N tell me how long have you and my son been together?".My mom questioned as soon as we sat.

"About three months now mom".I said while handing Y/N food and she mumbled thank you.

"Oh not that long I see and how did you two met?" She asked again.

"During the Bakers Expo-".

"Jinnie I think Y/N can answer my question're not her spokesperson are you?" My mom said amusingly.

"No its ok Mrs.Kim I guess Jin is just excited to tell you about how we met..Its actually quite funny coz I actually spilled his drink when I bumped into him accidentally and then I felt so guilty that I bought him a new one and then it all started from there".Y/N told my mom while looking fondly at me.

Wow I never expected her to made up a bit cliché yeah but acceptable scenario for 'how we ended up as what we are now' and the way she looks at me I guess even my mom fell for it.

"Oh is that so? So did my Jinnie courted you after that?"

"Yeah he then started texting me asking for a date" she said while laughing softly.

And then my mom asked about Y/N and her family and she answered her truthfully though she didn't revealed that she was working for me.My dad was just quiet except for when General Lee was talking to him seems like both of them wasn't paying attention to us but Mrs.Lee was listening and smiling towards Y/N and Ken was subtly looking at me and Y/N while smirking I don't even want to know what he was thinking while my brother and Jungkook was also eating quietly coz seems like my parents were ignoring them.

After awhile Taehyung abruptly stood up and said loudly "Thank you for the was delicious! Thank you eomma for inviting us if you all excuse and MY boyfriend will take our leave".then he did a dramatic bow and pulled Jungkook up and walked out the dining room.

There was a long pause as everyone seems to be speechless.Then my dad cleared his throat and said "Im sorry about that..I don't know why that brat is acting like that..we didn't even told him to bring that..that.."then he sighed"..sometimes I think its my wife's fault coz she was so lenient with these rascals that—.."

"Don't you dare point a finger on me! It was your fault that your sons were like this!" My mom whispered heatedly to my dad.

"My fault?! Me?! WhAt did I do?! I never did—.."

"Exactly! You never did anything thats why—.."

"Enough! Both of you! Oh my god..Mom! Dad! Just..! Just..stop it already! God!" I said exasperatedly.

I stood up and stormed out of the room Y/N frantically followed me after she muttered excuse to them.

My chest was heaving as I leaned outside the front door then suddenly a hand touches my shoulder gently."Are you ok?" As she asked softly.

"Yeah Im sorry you have to witness that kind of shit my parents displayed". I said to her apologetically.

"No it's ok,don't mind me..I'm more worried about you and your brother".

"Yeah I know..I'm worried about him too..sometimes I wish we don't have a homophobic parents like them". I said sadly.

And then she suddenly pulled me and held me in her arms.And it felt nice.

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