𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫🥀

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"Alright, Bad let's go, right?" Sam lead the two boys through the prison, finally reaching the end.

"Yeah, but what if I were to go this way?" He asked.

"Well, bad. That's not something I can show you yet. Keep moving." Sam directed. Rozenn watched from afar, looking at how Bad was continuously defying orders.

"Well that's the end, I'll let you lot head out now." Sam said, showing them the way out.

The two boys left through the nether portal as Rozenn swung down using her trident.

"Jesus, that was-"

"Bad. Bad sam." She finished off for him.

"Agreed." Sam said, shaking his head and taking the creeper mask off.

"Badboyhalo is a very- interesting guy. He was being very suspicious during the tour. He kept making lefts when he was supposed to go right. He kept- I need to keep an eye on him." She said crossly.

"But, you need to stay safe if you are." Sam instructed protectively.

"Yeah yeah Sam." She rolled her eyes jokingly. Sam just hummed before sitting on top of the table, doing some paperwork. Rozenn was between his legs, her back facing him. One of her arms was propped against his knee as she was deep in thought.

"Whatcha thinking about, Darlin?"

"Well, I was thinking about it and Dream is extremely influential. He is. If Bad somehow or Dream convinces bad into saying he trust the egg, Bad would do anything to let that fucker out. I say I keep a close eye on bad."

"That's true, but we can't have you going hurt now." Sam spoke.

"Yeah, i won't. But, still. I gotta keep my eye on that fucker." She sighed.

"I hope Tommy's doing alright. He's been stuck there for what, four days now?" She asked.

"Uh yeah. He was there Saturday, it's Wednesday now." Sam confirmed.

"Are there any leads or anything for the tnt?" She asked concerned.

"None that I know of." Sam shook his head.

"Jesus, he's only sixteen. We just gotta get him out."

"Yeah, but we can't show you now. You're a secret guard." He hummed, turning her with a simple twist of his arm. She faced him now and smiled lightly.

"Yeah yeah." She chuckled, giving him a kiss. He kissed her back. This kiss was passionate and soft, yet it meant something.

Pulling away, Rozenn was blushing redder than a red rose.

"Well, I'll see you soon, yeah?" She chuckled.

"Yeah I will. Bye Rosie."

"Bye Sam."

"Tommy, I'm sorry but I have to keep you longer. I still haven't figured out the explosions." Sam said, shaking his head disappointed.

"Sam please." The young boy cried.

"I'm sorry Tommy." Was all Sam said before leaving. He had beaten himself up for the last week for not figuring out what the explosions were. The last three days, he hadn't slept a wink. Just trying to figure it out and still failing.

Rozenn was watching the main cell, looking at her brother. He too had gone slightly insane, laughing at stupid things and teasing dream. perhaps a bit too far at times as Dream began shoving Tommy off of him.

They began arguing over the book when Sam came up from behind her.

"Jesus, I just- Tommy is just a kid." Sam rubbed his face. His creeper mask laid on the ground next to him. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she was pulled away.

"DREAM NO!" She heard. Turning around, she saw her brother screaming for his life as Dream was on top of him, hitting him repeatidly. She instantly made a run for it, flipping down the lava.


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