𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 🥀

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"Hello Tommy." Rozenn greets. It had been two days and Rozenn and Ranboo got their much needed sleep.
"Hello Rozenn. Hello ranboo." Tommy greets, grabbing friend and attaching him to a lead.
"Here follow me." Tommy instructs. The two of them follow him.
"Every conflict in this realm has done something with pets. Either mine, Nikis, fundys. Everyone's. I just want to be able to bring friend back to Ghostbur whenever he wakes up from his nap. I also need to get the hotel back from jack." Tommy quickly says as the two of them follow behind him. He quickly ties friend up to a fence and starts walking up towards the sky bridge.
"I want to bring him somewhere where literally no one has been in months." Rozenn and ranboo shared a look before following.
"This is the old courthouse." Tommy proudly smiled at. It was a cobblestone building that looked a little rusted and fucked up.
He quickly went to the back and dug out a small area.
"Ah yes. This is where we keep friend." Tommy smiled. Rozenn nodded hesitantly before following Tommy again who began to run back down to where friend was.
When they got there, he was nowhere in sight.
"What the fu-" Tommy screeched.
"Where did he go?" Rozenn chuckled.
"The closest one here is Jack and we literally saw him from the bridge earlier." Ranboo poitned out.
"JACK?" Tommy yelled. Jack came from the hotel and slithered over to them.
"What is it Tommy?" Jack shook his head.
"DID YOU TAKE FRIEND?" He shouted.
"No, why would I?" Jack stammered.
They made their way over to the hotel to look around. When Rozenn looked back at the area where Tommy tied the sheep up, it was back there.
"What the fuc-" Rozenn said.
"AAHHHH." Tommy screamed rushing over.
"How the fuck-" Rozenn said again.
"He just reappeared. What?" Ranboo said, chuckling.
"Well he's here now." Tommy quickly said, dragging the sheep with him. Rozenn followed behind.
"Where are you taking him?"
"I honestly don't know. Here." He says, handing the sheep to rozenn, before running off.
"I have a few things to do. Bye!"
"Bye Tommy?" She says confused, looking at the sheep. The sheep just baaaaas at her.
"Ranboo." She calls out. The tall boy turns to her, confused until he looks at the sheep.
"Bee N' Boo is safe. Here." He says, leading her over to the unfinished place. They tie him up and give him some wheat before returning to their home.

Rozenn grips her sword tightly as she walks on the prime path. It's late meaning mobs are out. Again her armor is nowhere to be found as she loves the feeling of it off.
Her bow is tied to the back of her as is her bunch of quills. She's wearing black boots, black shorts and a black shirt. It's getting hotter, meaning she's no longer wearing jackets as much.
Hearing the voice of Badboyhalo, Rozenn starts to spy on him. She hides off of the prime path and unseen. She had been spying on bad just as planned. She noticed how he is starting to break the egg vines. Why? She had no idea, but maybe tonight would explain it.

She watches carefully as he grabs out his hoe and starts breaking the vines. 'How the fuck is he not hurting himself breaking those shitty things? Everytime I try, I get fucking burned.' She mentally thinks to herself.
As he walks, she follows behind him. She watches as Antfrost comes up behind him. They have a short conversation before heading towards the spider spawner and egg room. Instead of going through the main area, she was to where ranboo and Tubbo built their little spying area.
Most sounds are muffled, but she hears a few things clearly. Captain Puffy, people could die for the egg and that they're looking for Sam. Quickly realizing what was happening, she rushed over to the prison, knowing he had a shift tonight. She goes through her guard entrance and quickly stumbles into a shocked Sam at the front desk.
"Ant and Bad are coming. I don't know what they're doing, but they're coming." She quickly says. He nods, carrying a small bag with him.
Noticing the cameras that bad and ant are at the front, the two go through the nether portal, surprising both of the egg lovers.
"Here, why don't we come out here!" Bad suggests, leading them to the grassy area. Rozenn clutches Sam's arm, unsure of what might happen.
"Ahhh so the egg is having a banquet, dance, party and we would like to invite you!" Antfrost cheers.
"People are going to dance?"Sam asks.
"Not really a dance, it's a banquet. We'll have some good food and chill. Maybe some bacon. Plus, Rozenn can teach you how to dance." Bad smiles, creepily. Without a second though, her eyes go into a confused, wtf face.
"When is the banquet?" Sam asks.
"We don't know yet." Antfrost replies.
"Where's it at?" Rozenn quickly asks. "Mmmmmm underground. You'll see." Bad smirks.
"Where's it at? I mean I need to know where it is to go." Sam adds on.
"You know where the egg is. It's relatively near there." Bad says, slowly.
"It's not in the room with the egg is it?" Sam asks quickly, concerned.
"Mmmmm. It might be. It is." Bad finally admits.
"It's not a good idea. A lot of bad stuff has happened because of the egg." Rozenn points out, shaking her head slightly.
"The egg  wants to apologize. We want to apologize. We've come across a little to intense. The eggpire recognizes that we've been to aggressive. I don't know if you noticed we've taken some of the vines down."  Antfrost explains.
"That sounds good." Sam nods. "So this is a burying hatchet type deal. I like that. I will be there."
Hearing this, Rozenn quickly turns to Sam, but he's not looking at her. Through his creeper mask, he's looking at bad and antfrost.
"Can I reserve a seat for you?"
Antfrost asks.
"I- I'll be there." Sam replies.
"What about you Rozenn?" Antfrost turns to her.
"I- I don't know yet." She answers honestly, tugging at her ponytail.
"But you're saying you're 100% down to come." Bad continues to ask Sam.
"Yeah. It's a bury the hatchet in the ground. I didn't appreciate when you trapped me down there." Sam answers.
"Yeah I'm sorry about that. The egg makes mistakes. So you're accepting the invitation?"  Bad continues.
"Yeah. I'll be there. Who else is gonna be there?" Sam asks.
"I mean if Rozenn is coming. We wanted you two to be the ones asked first." Antfrost says.
"I- I still don't know yet. I'll let you know..." Rozenn answers again, rolling her eyes slightly.
"point is, thank you very much for accepting the invite." Bad thanks.
"I'm excited. I'm excited. We have work to do so I'll see you guys soon." Sam says, turning back to the prison.
"We'll give you a proper invitation soon." Antfrost sends him off.
"I'm excited bye guys." The two walk back into the prison.
"Sam, I don't know if that's a good idea." She whispers to him.
"Rozenn, you don't have to go. I just want to see if they're serious about it."
"Stay safe when you're there. I don't know if I'm gonna be there."
"Alright, are you going back to spy?"
"Yeah. They're heading towards foolish." Rozenn quickly gives him a kiss on the cheek and leaves through the nether portal again before using her trident to snowchester and stays hidden.
Watching from the roof, she watches the conversation go down.
"The last time I saw you two, you blew up my home." Foolish says, looking mad.
"That was kinda ponks doing." Bad points out.
"On behalf of the egg." Foolish says, with a strict tone.
"That's why we're here. We want to extend two things to you. One is an apology. We may or may not have stepped overboard and we're here to bury the hatchet and invite you an invitation to a party we're hosting." Antfrost explains.
"You throw parties now?" Foolish says confused.
"We do. We're hosting a banquet and extending an invitation to you" bad cheers.
"weren't you the two that celebrated when Tommy died? In his hotel?" Foolish points out.
"Ummm, I don't remember that. The egg wants to apologize. This is an apology and we want to turn over a new leaf and we want to apologize for everything." Bad quickly says trying to cover up his ass.
"So you're telling me the egg has realized it's done wrong and wants to apologize." Foolish asks trying to confirm.
"Yes. We want to let by Gones by bygones. I think you've seen that we've removed the vines." Antfrost asks him.
"Since I've been here, it's been ugly red." Foolish says truthfully.
"We're trying to apologize. Are you interested in the banquet?" Badboyhalo asks, adjusting his red and black hoodie.
"I don't know if I accept your apology 100%. You slick son of a... Badboyhalo you."
Foolish says, trying not to curse. Even if he despises what Bad did, he'll respect he doesn't curse.
"Sam said he was already going. We don't know about Rozenn. We're gonna invite a bunch of people." Antfrost recounts.
"Sams gonna be there?" Foolish asks interested and perking his head up.
"Yeah. It's gonna be a banquet." Bad cheers.
"Okay, if sams going and you know. Sure I'll go. I'll go." Foolish finally gives in.
"That's great!"  Antfrost cheers along.
"I'm happy to hear we're loving past this aggressive egg stuff." Foolish says, rubbing his eyes. She feels bad for him. He's been building nonstop since he got to the realm.
"Yeah. We want to move past all this bad stuff tray we went overboard. We don't have to talk about celebrating when who died, we're trying to apologize." Antfrost tries to coverup.
"This is your last chance. If anything goes wrong at that party, I will split the egg in half with a lighting bolt." Foolish threatens. Making a mental note, she quickly reminds herself to find out more about totem gods. "Okay okay. No surprises!" Bad confirms.
"Alright, but I have my two big green emerald eyes on you."Foolish says hesitantly.
"Okay, we'll send an invitation to you later." Antfrost says leaving towards the snowchester tunnel with Bad following close behind.
Hopping from her spot on the roof, she accidentally scared Foolish.
"Foolish." She says, tilting her head.
"Are you going to the party?"Foolish asks after calming down his heart.
"Not sure. I'll probably be there, but I need you to be careful. Sam is being a little stupid by trusting them so quickly. Can I count on you if I need it?" She asks him, looking into his green emerald eyes.
"You can." He nods with confidence . She nods back and gives him one last look before using her trident to get to the two eggers.
Finding them outside Puffys house, she waits and looks on at the conversation.

"We've been going around reaching out to a couple people and we're sending out official invitations to the banquet. A party if you will." Bad explains, after greeting her.
"Cool." Was all she replied with.
"But it's gonna take place in a location and we were down to see if you would show up." Ant continues.
"Where?" Puffy asks hesitantly.
"Down at the egg." Bad states truthfully.
"WHAT?" Yells puffy.
"It's gonna be near the egg." Bad states again. "It's kinda gross down there." Puffy truthfully states
"We're gonna clean it up and polish it. Make it look nice." Ant exclaims, nodding his head.
With hesitantly, she said "I'll check my calendar."
"Puffy, look at it as a way we want to bury the hatchet and apologize. And have a good time." Antfrost smiles.
"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Who have you invited?"
Puffy questions.
"Sam and foolish and Rozenn. We're inviting a bunch of other people. The problem is that we've recognized we've gone too far. The egg recognizes we've been a little too far. We're actually cleaning up the realm. We're gonna make the realm look good as new." Bad says, answering her question.
"Does this mean I can take it down now?"  Puffy asks, her eyes lighting up.
"Yeah go ahead!" Ant says.
"The food better be good, that's the main reason I'm coming." Piffy calls out. The two boys lead her over to a Pile order red before grabbing her book out and writing a few things down.

Entry 283

Bad and antfrost asked Sam, Foolish, Puffy to go the invitation. All three of them accepted. I'm the only which said no or not sure.. I appreciate that foolish is a bit weary. He's a good ally to have. Sam seems to be very keen on going. That's a bit concerning, but I think it'll be okay. It's past four now, I should get back home before ranboo wakes up. I love him, but I can't hurt him. If someone finds that I'm doing this stuff, they'll use people against me. I have to protect ranboo and Tubbo. Foolish is a good ally to have. I'll look into him. He seems friendly, powerful and seems like he had good ideology.

(How did you guys enjoy the banquet? It was insane, wasn't it? The banquet hurt a lot. Emotionally scarred me and then I went to watch Tommy and Tubbo and felt better. WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD FUCKING IDEA FOR TOMMY TO GO LIVE WHEN THE EGG HAPPENED. OKAY WHO THE FUCK SAID IT WAS A GOOD IDEA- enjoy a double update because I'm noice💕)

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