𝔣𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔢 🥀

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Dear techno,

I love you. You're my older brother. The one who protected me from everything. The one I could always go back to. And I'm leaving you. So I also leave with you, my journals. They will help you defeat Dream once and for all. Bring peace to ranboo and Tubbo. I also give to you, the wither rose mom gave to me. It was the last gift she gave before she died. And I know that you would love it just as she loved us. I'll be with her by the time you read this and I know she's telling me about how much she missed us. Instead of crying over me, when you look up at the stars, I want you to remember us looking at them. I love you. I always will.

Your little rose

Technoblade cried, holding the delicate rose in his hand along with her journals. They were filled with writing and her own personal diary writing.

Dear Sam,

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Dear Sam,

I'm gone. Our time was blissful and while relatively short, I loved the time we spent together. Keto is with ranboo and Tubbo. If you want her, she's yours. If not, I'm sure Michael would love a pet. I give you, your ring back. Find someone else who will enjoy it and be yours just as I once was. Don't feel guilty about loving someone else. We're young, you're young. You're bound to find another and to whom ever that might be, you have my blessing and my support. Don't cry over me. When you look at that prison, think of how we would chase each other around there, trying to see who was faster. Until next time, Sam.


Sam wiped the tears, noticing the ring he had given to her months prior. It was cleaned and shined in perfection. His heart ached at how her words affected her.

 His heart ached at how her words affected her

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Dear Tommy,

Hey Tommy. You're probably wondering why you haven't seen me. I'm gone. I'm dead. All three lives, poof poof poof. I'm your older sister and I'll always love you even if I don't show it. You're strong Tommy and I'm proud of you even though I don't say it often. We've come a long way. From babysitting you, teaching you how to fight. And I realize why those discs are so important to you now. Those were the first songs I ever taught you how to play on piano. And of course they hold a special place in my heart, don't let them hold you back and risk your fucking life for it. While you're crying, try and remember, I love you.
See you later, big T.

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