closing statement

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And that's a wrap. I loved this book dearly with my whole heart. I have put in way over twelve hours of writing. Both from nine pm to past eight in the morning. I wrote and typed it on my phone while lying in bed and typed on my keyboard on my desk in the middle of the day.
This book is my baby, my first long book. I have put my soul into this book and I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to follow for more content, vote if you enjoyed it and share if you would like. Comments are also nice as they show me your reactions to things.
This book has been in the works for months as I vigorously worked on it. It started on February second, but the first chapter wasn't even posted until March 1. And here we are now. May. I posted a lot on this book and I'll put the word count for the total book at the end here so you can see how much you've read. I will also be adding the extra scenes from when I wrote out the red banquet. This will be the other option where Sam and Rozenn went together after I finish this off.

Thank you guys for sticking around with the book. The next book is being worked on as you read this. I'm not sure when it will be out so follow if you want to see when it does.
I love you all very very much and have a good rest of your day/night.
Please comment here if you cried during the last few chapters.
Now here's the total word count: 60,120

The photos here is my notes app that has all the notes with everything for this story. If you want to try and read it, good luck.

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