𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢🥀

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Rozenn didn't know much about Ponk. She knew Ponk and Sam were great friends before the egg took over him.

Now she was standing next to Sam, facing a glass wall that had an opening in the middle. Inside the glass wall was Ponk and an enderchest. Ponk was laying down, knocked out on the ground of the small room. Sam looked awful, his hair was sprouted in different ways, his creeper mask was lopsided, his clothes were scuffed.

As Ponk started regaining conscious, Sam straightened his creeper mask.

"Sam? Hello?" He asked, steadying himself.

"Hello Ponk." He replied.

"Why are you doing this?" Ponk asked, voice cracking.

"You know why I'm doing this. Are you surprised to wake up in this?"

"ITS JUST A BOOK! And yes! What is this and where am I, Sam? What is this?"

"This is your existence now. It's just us three."

"Rozenn..." The boy whispered, looking at the green eyed girl. She had to advert her eyes away from him because even though Ponk fucked up, she couldn't face him.

"Until you give me the books." Sam finished.

"Sam, Sam. It's just a book. I didn't do bad things like Dream. Alright, look at me. Look at me. Am I like Dream?" Ponk pleaded.

"The only reason to steal those books was if you had the intention of trying to do malicious that could let Dream out. Which I will not let happen." Sam said sternly.

"Don't you think this is going a bit too far? You built this for me, for the books." Ponk said, looking around at the room. "The prison has taken over your mind, Sam. It's taken over your mind!"

"I know you have eleven more books. And neither of us are leaving until you give me the other eleven."

"Sam, you don't know definitively that I have those eleven books, okay? I could have sold them. A lot of people want Dream out, Sam. "

At those words Sam flipped a lever and potions of harming were thrown at him, making Ponk jump back.

As Ponk pleaded, I stepped in, flipping the lever off.

"Sam..." I whispered. He just nodded back and I stepped back to the corner where I was before.

"The keys don't even work! I deactivated them as soon as you grabbed them." Sam informed Ponk.

Ponk's eyes widened before he started shouting. "THEN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS IF THEY DON'T WORK!"

"Like I said, the only reason you would want those books is to do something so bad that I would have to free Dream and I will not let that monster ruin this realm for anymore people."

Through hours of potions and countless pleading and screaming and terror and just a very painful day and a half, Ponk had given back ten of the books.

"Ponk, one more. Just one more." Rozenn said, while Sam was out of the room. He was restocking on the potions.

"I don't have anymore!" He cried out.

"Ponk, why are you lying to me? It's just one more book."

As Sam came back in the room, he refilled the dispensers.

"Ponk, enough is enough. You need to give me the last book."

"Sam, it was just a joke. It was all just a light hearted joke. I never meant for it to go this far." Ponk slowly whispered.

"Ponk, the prison is not a joke. Do not take it as a joke. Anything that interferes with the prison can be consequential with death. Do you want me to kill you?" Sam threatens.

"There are things worse than death, Sam." Was all Ponk had to say.

"If you want, I'll cut off your arm instead." Sam bargined.

Not knowing what to do or say, Ponk gave a nervous chuckle. Rozenn had to look away as Sam cut Ponk's arm off, leaving him with only three limbs. The final book was dropped, Sam taking it and storing it in his enderchest for inspection later.

"Do you want me to take care of him or will you?" Sam asked Rozenn.

"I'll do it. I'll get him patched up and everything. You just run your inspections and all that." She responded. He nodded before leaving the room.

She followed him, grabbing potions of healing, regeneration, strength, golden apples and bandages. As she walked back into the room, she slowly turned Ponk over, cleaning up his small cuts and finally working on his arm. It had been a clean cut, meaning it would be easy enough to wrap up and clean. She disinfected it before stitching it close, throwing a bandage over and pumping him full of medication and such.

After placing him in a medicated bed, she went to find Sam who was at the front desk. His creeper mask was no longer on and his face was filled with blotchy tears. She walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his chest, pulling him down.

"Sam..." She whispered.

"I didn't wan to do it. I didn't want to-" He cried, putting his face in her neck. She held on to him as he cried, just letting him cry it all out.


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