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I opened my eyes and they burned even more when the light hit them. I tried to rub them but I couldn't move. I Looked at my arms and legs I saw that I was strapped down to the the bed. Soon I noticed my brother standing at the foot of the bed with a black eye.

"Juan..?" I said after clearing my dry throat," Juan come here, untie me.." he shook his head and ran out with tears in his eyes.

Why does he have a black eye? Why am I strapped to the bed? Did I hurt him? I did not hurt him, I couldn't have done that! What if.... what if Carlos did it.. or or victor... dad... no no it can't be me. I didn't do that to my brother, I would never hit him. Maybe I did, no I did.... I did... omg.. I did I did I did... what the fuck is wrong with me? First I fuck up my relationship with my best friend and now I've hurt my brother... my baby brother..

Tear streamed down my face as I cried with my eyes closed. I felt someone release the straps and when they finished I pulled my knees to my chest and cried harder. I didn't care anymore, I can't keep hurting the people I love the most, their better off without me. I felt someone start rubbing circles in my back as I cried, I don't deserve care, love, or anyones attention. I'm a fucking jerk, no one should be nice to me, I deserve to be treated like shit.

"Please go..." I said reaching down for the blanket so I could hide under it.

"Tonio, come on it was an accident." I heard Carlos mom say trying to make me feel better.

"Just... go.... go now!" I yelled starting to cry even harder. No one will ever understand.

I heard her leave the room closing the door behind her. A Minute later I started to feel as if I was bleeding but I shrugged it off as just sweat. I was starting to get sleepy but there was also a pain in on my side. Soon noticing which side I was laying on my vision started to blur, then a loud alarm sound filled the room. My heart moniter going crazy as I tried to move but I ended up falling on the floor.


I sat in a chair next to Juan's bed as he laid down watching spongebob quietly. They said we could take him home with us earlier after Tonio's accident. Ginger had bought him three outfit and a pair of shoes since they threw away everything in their house. What kind of lawyer does that... well consular/ lawyer?

"I've got his medicine proscription.." my mom said walking in.

I didn't want to talk every since last night I felt li-

"What's that noise?" I said quickly standing.

I walked passed my mom and over to the door to see that it was coming from Tonio's room and his bed was full of blood.

"Mom!" I yelled hearing my voice bounce off the walls.

I ran to the door and opened it as fast as I could.. his body was limp and going cold I sat on my knees on the bed holding his body in my arms.

"Wake up... wake up.. wake up, come on don't die on me.. don't do this!"

I was pulled away from him seconds later, being forced to watch them drag his body away.

"He's gonna get through this...."

She held me tight but I pulled away and left the room.

"Hey, you wait!" I heard someone yell after me before I started down the hall so I stopped and turned around," your the patients friend, right?"

"Yea.." I said looking down at the blood on my hands.

"Do you know your blood type?"

"O Positive.. why?"

"Great, He's breathing but his heart isn't pumping enough blood and he's going to need a donor. If not he will die."

"I'll do it.." I said using the back of my hand to wipe my eyes causing the thought of being alone again to vanish.

oooh boy he's gonna freak when he finds out...

Sorry I know another short chapter but I promise more next chapter. Thanks for reading please vote/follow.

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