14. Homecoming?

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His black 4x4 truck pulled up 10 minutes later. It was a little old and kind of rusty but cool, it looked comfortable? If that's a thing you say about someone's car.

"Howdy!" The passenger door swung open revealing Zach in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top. His green eyes softened when he notice how soaked I was, he got out of the truck and grabbed what looked like a jacket form the back. It wasn't raining anymore but the wind was blowing which made my teeth chatter every time it blew from the north, he walked over to me with a leather jacket in hand then laid it on my shoulders after that he helped me get into the truck placing my seatbelt on,"Where to?" He said once he was back in the drivers seat waiting for my answer.

"I don't want to go back to Cat's yet..." I adjusted the jacket and laid back in the seat.

"My house it is... I guess the guys are going to kill me now."

"Is there something wrong with your voice?" I said noticing his change of accent, he took a quick glance at me before pulling off and then sighed.

"What do you like it when I talk like a dumbfounded hillbilly?" It wasn't a joke and I knew not to laugh knowing that people made fun of the way he spoke sometimes.

"...I didn't say that, I was just... Trying to say that you sound different... You sound like you are from here actually." His expression brighten, I looked out the window at the descending sun looking at his reflection this very moment reminded me of something... A memory." Though I prefer the other..."

"This place is growing on me Toni, I just wish I could stay here forever sometimes." I raised an eyebrow then coughed before looking at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I snizzed.

"My daddy says and I quote' If ya' ain't plaining on creating a life out der in that god forsaken city and find a nice pretty little girl then bring your pale ass back down here an help with all these damn crops! P.s. Your Ma' says stop dancing like a sissy for that damn school and come home!' So I won't be here next year."

My heart dropped for some reason it wasn't the usually beat skipping like it use to be... Do I like him or something? No... Carlos is your boyfriend you... Love him (don't you?) Even though you are pissed at him its good to be faithful. You can do this lock that memory up and move on... Be careless.

"Don't go..." What... The... Fuck... Was that, lady's and gentlemen give a round of applause to Tonio Garcia for his epic fail. My hand was placed on my mouth quickly, why did I say that instead of laughing?

"Do you really care or are you just joking?" He stopped at the light, I watched as it blinked red but then before it could turn green a train started to pass by blocking the way ahead.

"Yes" Fuck.

"Yes what?"

"I care..." Why does this conversation sound so familar? Like something from camp.

Through the window I saw his refection looking at me, I never really looked at Zach before he's actually gorgeous. Zach's hair was pure blonde, short and parted on the left, his ears were small and pierced, he was kind of pale which was weird knowing he was from Texas but he had finally got a tan, Zach wasn't football muscular like Carlos but he does look like he visits the gym enough to maintain his weight class or something... I don't know, is that a thing? I guess it is. My cough got worse after awhile and by the time we made it to his house I was sleep and it was dark, I remember Zach carrying me inside and that was it.


"I can't go to homecoming with you Shane..." I paced the floor of my room, each time I practiced this I get more frustrated and confused. Why did I lie knowing he had my phone? If I would've told the truth we wouldn't be searching for him and he wouldn't be pissed at me for lying," why am I such a idiot?..." I whined as I laid on my bed.

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