three: if by chance (sequal)

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Talking about moving on from someone is definitely easier said than done. Ricky knew that. After breaking up with Nini he thought that he would never be as happy again. He was right. That smile Nini once put on his face never seemed to come back. Not even with his new girlfriend. And that was something she soon realized.

They had been fighting a lot through their time together. Not that it was a very long time but the fighting made it seem longer than it was. It wasn't until she mentioned Rickys unhappy mood he realized that the feelings he had for his ex girlfriend, Nini would never change.

"You will never love me like you love her." She shouted through his living room. That made him stop everything he was doing. He hadn't told her about someone he had loved before. But he still knew she was talking about Nini. Because that was the only person he will ever love.

"What are you talking about?" He responded to her sudden statement.

"You know what I am talking about." She calmed down. "Its like I can read your mind." She stopped and looked at Rickys surprised facial expression. "I know you love someone, but it isn't me."

Ricky couldn't deny what his girlfriend told him. "I am sorry." Was all he could say.

That was the end of their relationship. No bad blood between the two of them. But on the other hand was Ricky left alone with his undying love for Nini. That's when he decided to move to New York City for a fresh start. To try to find where he belonged other than in the arms of the girl he loved, Nini.


"Thank you." Nini exclaimed to the cashier after paying her coffee at her local cafe. Nini loved working at places no one could disturb her. This cafe was her favorite. It was laying very close to Central Park in New York City which was where she worked at the moment. She moved from Salt Lake City four years ago when she got an amazing offer at the company she was now working for. Her dream job had changed a lot through her life. It had gone from being spider-man to an astronaut, to an actress and now she was working with business. It was complicated, not even Nini herself could explain what her job actually went out on.

She walked down the cafe to an empty seat as far away from the crowded counter as possible. This was a very cozy cafe, with fairy lights and green plants all over the room. Not a lot of people knew about the place which was one of her top reasons to settle down just there. She knew no one would bother her.

She heard the cashier shout her name and made her way up to the front of the cafe to get her drink when she saw a curly haired boy grab her drink. Something that happened through the years was that Ninis eyesight only got worse and worse. Therefore, she couldn't see who the guy were.

"Hey, excuse me I think you took my coffee." She said calmly.

"Oh, sorr...." Was all he could say before turning around and facing the girl. It wasn't only a girl he faced. It was Nini.

She saw the guy she couldn't point out who it was just a few moments ago slowly turning around. It made her heart skip a beat. More like ten beats. That wasn't the first time she saw that boy. It was Ricky. It was also not who she was planning on meeting today. Or any other day to be honest. She just stood there, in shock while he looked at her dark brown eyes, still as a sculpture. He froze. He didn't even think that the warm winds in the desert could make him move and think straight again.

They continued to look at each other with furrowed eyebrows. He couldn't believe that it had been all this years and she still looked that beautiful. Her long brown hair now set up in a hair clip and eyes that he till this day got lost in as soon as he looked at them. What he didn't know was that she was thinking the exact same thing, but about Ricky himself.

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