The Signing- Esther and Louis

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Waiting, it was endless waiting. I looked down at my watch to see that I had been standing in line for five hours now, and I still wasn't even close to the front. I had somehow talked myself into going to a One Direction CD signing, but I guess I'll never see the boys... I mean, they can't be signing CDs forever.

"Sorry girls, that's it for today. We hope to see you at the next signing!" An announcement said overhead, and I stifled a groan. All that waiting for nothing... Sighing, I followed the crowd out of the building, lost in a sea of crying girls. Detaching from the group, I rounded the corner of the building so I had space and called my mom for a ride.

"Yes, Esther?" she asked impatiently from the other end.

"I need a ride home," I responded glumly, staring at the ground.

"Hun, I can't right now. I'm super busy at work." She sounded apologetic, and I just leaned against the wall, feeling even more despaired.

"Oh, I understand," I said before hanging up, not really feeling like waiting for an answer. I had about another three hours to kill before my mom got out of work, so I might as well have a look around, maybe do some window shopping. I glanced around at my surroundings, not really wanting to go back out into the crowd and fight my way through. Instead, I headed in the opposite direction, walking sullenly with my hands jammed in my pockets and my head down. The streetlights were out and no sun was coming down in the small space between buildings, so I walked quickly to avoid any mishaps. From out of nowhere, a door opened up, but I wasn't looking, nor fast enough to dodge it, so I bumped right into it, falling down on my back.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" a familiar voice gushed, and I felt a warm hand holding my head up from the ground, supporting it.

"It's ok, I wasn't watching where I was going," I replied, pressing a hand to the top of my head where it hurt the most and groaned.

"Still, I just... Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine," I said as I looked up at the boy who was holding me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Are you sure?" Louis Tomlinson asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Y-yeah," I replied, a little unnerved at the fact that he was here, talking to me and holding me. He helped me to my feet but still held onto my elbow so I wouldn't fall again.

"What are you doing back here?"

"I was cutting through to the other street. I didn't really feel like pushing through the mob of fangirls back there," I answered as I pointed behind me at all the screaming girls.

"Oh, I see. Were you here for the signing?"

"Yeah, but I never made it to you guys," I responded sadly, remembering that announcement that had killed me a little inside. It was horrible. I had been waiting so long to see them and then one little announcement crushed that.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I know I'm not all of One Direction, but I would like to sign it for you, if that's alright," he said shyly, taking a Sharpie out of his pocket. I smiled, handing him my copy of Take Me Home.

"Thanks, that means a lot. Especially after waiting five hours in line..."

"You waited five hours and didn't get to see us?" he asked incredulously, his eyes widening as he looked up from what he was writing.

"Yeah well, I guess everyone was waiting far longer than that..."

"Wow..." he breathed out, trailing off as he continued to write on my CD. "What's your name?"

"Esther," I replied to his out of the blue question.

"Alright Esther, I want you to look at the CD when you get home. Not a minute before!" he insisted as he put the CD in my purse himself, grinning.


"I have to get running, but remember what I said! Look at it when you get home!" And with that, he ran back inside, leaving me staring after him dazed. That boy really was as crazy as his reputation... Shrugging my shoulders, I headed towards the street to do that window shopping before my mom picked me up and took me home.


My mom pulled up into the driveway of our house, parking the car. Right as she unlocked it, I ran out and up the steps to the front door, unlocking the door and running to my room. Taking the CD out of my bag, I started to read what Louis had written.

"It was such a pleasure to have met you. I am truly sorry for hurting you with a door, and for you having to wait so long and not get to see the boys and I. Esther, I want you to have something. Here's my number, you have to promise to not give it out to anybody. I would love to hang out again sometime when we're not pressed for time and there are no doors around. Sincerely, Louis =)"

And below that was nine digits- Louis Tomlinson's phone number.

I had Louis Tomlinson's phone number. Well, I believe some fangirling is in order right now...

I grinned as I realized I might become friends, or maybe even something more, with a famous person.


I hope you liked it!!!

So sorry for the long wait! I've been uber busy!

If you want me to change anything, just ask!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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