Piece of Art- Nicole and Harry

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I swung open the door to see the cheeky blonde boy whom I haven't gotten to hang out with in two whole years, ever since he auditioned for the X Factor.

"NICOLE!" he yelled, rushing into my flat and giving me one of his famous Horan Hugs. I hugged him back, squeezing him, and I couldn't stop grinning.

"Niall! I missed you so much! You know, you could have made some family time..." I pretend scolded as I drew away from the hug, and I could see a guilty look come across his face.

"Sorry, we've been soooooo busy, and I've been sooooo tired..." He scratched at the back of his neck, and I grinned, slapping his arm playfully.

"I'm just kidding! Lighten up! Cousins til the end, right?"

"Yeah buddy!" he said his signature phrase, fist pumping the air, and I just couldn't help but ruffle up his hair a little.

"I'm just so glad we can finally hang out again, just the two of us, like old times." I smiled at him, expecting him to grin in response, but he just gave me a guilty grin, which I totally wasn't expecting.

"About that..." I opened my mouth to respond to his vague answer, but before I could utter a sound, four boys sauntered into my flat, causing my mouth to open so wide, I was pretty sure it was only a couple inches from the floor.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS!" Louis ran up to me, crushing me in a hug and spinning me around in the air. I yelped, surprised, and he let me down with a cheeky wink. And to think he was the oldest...

"Sorry about that love, Louis' really hyper because he just had five cups of coffee," Liam said apologetically, and I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Why five?" I asked the boy in the blue and white stripes, and he just shrugged with a bashful look on his face.

"He wanted to prove he could do it without going crazy. Look how that turned out," a deep voice said from somewhere behind me, and I turned around to see Harry leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, smiling and showing his dimples. Ever since Niall had told me he was put into a group on X Factor, I had been supporting him every step of the way. I bought their albums, singles, and any 1D merchandise I found in a store. Let's just say it was my way of giving back for all the presents I never got him for Christmas... But out of all the members in the band, I had a really soft spot for Harry Styles. There was just something about him... Maybe it was his curly hair...

"I'm not crazy!" Louis protested, placing a hand on his heart and looking hurt. Zayn rolled his eyes, and Liam chuckled, while Niall burst out laughing.

"Niall, dear, it wasn't that funny," I said to my older cousin, placing my hand on his shoulder. He stopped laughing, his face red from embarassment.

"You're embarassing me in front of my mates," he whined in a whisper, and I chuckled.

"You're family, it's my job to embarass you!" I grinned, and the boys all chuckled while Niall pouted, going over to my kitchen to get something to eat. I swear, he's always been like that...

"TV!" Louis yelled, jumping on my couch and using the remote to turn it on.

"Sorry, we'll try to calm him down," Liam apologized again before him and Zayn went over to Louis and sat on either side of him, trying to calm him down.

"So, you're the famous Nicole that Niall's been talking about non-stop. I must say, you're prettier than he described," Harry said smoothly, peeling himself away from the wall to stand beside me. Gosh, he was even taller in person...

"Erm, thanks..." I replied awkwardly, knowing he was flirting with me. Come on Nicole, stop being so awkward around hot guys!

"You think I'm hot?" Harry asked with a cheeky smirk, and I bit my lip, a blush creeping across my cheeks. I hadn't even realized I said that out loud...

"Well, I, uh, I just... Oh nevermind," I stuttered, stumbling backwards to get some space, but I just ended up falling on my back, my head hitting the floor with a thud. "Ow..." I mumbled, and I suddenly felt a warm hand gripping my own, with another hand gently lifting my head up from the floor.

"Nicole? Are you okay?" his deep voice asked, and I groaned, feeling a sharp pain shoot through my head.

"I'm fine, I'm just a klutz..." I mumbled, trying to sit up. Something soft was brushing against my cheek, and I opened my eyes to see Harry's curly hair was the culprit, and I also noticed how close his face was to mine. His green eyes were searching my face before they finally rested on my own blue eyes, looking deeply into them.

"You should be more careful," he said, blinking and standing up, holding a hand out to help me up. I gladly took it, still a little shaken from the fall and the moment we just had, and stumbled a little. "Careful, love," Harry soothed, standing behind me and holding both of my arms, keeping me in place until I regained my balance.

"I'm good now," I said confidently after a moment, feeling the pain start to subside and the dizziness that came with it gone.

"You sure?" Harry asked uncertainly from behind me, and I just nodded, with him releasing my arms. I turned around to face him and opened my mouth to say thank you, but I was interrupted. Not by another voice, but by a pair of lips on my own. Harry had bent down and was gripping my waist, while I made a split second decision to kiss him back, my hands wrapping around his neck as I stood on my tiptoes. Our lips moved in sync, it was a slow, sweet kiss, but was full of passion. I was the one to pull away, seeing Harry pout like a little kid.

"Come on curly, there's something I want to show you," I said, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hallway to my bedroom. I slowly put my hand on the doorknob, looking back at him to see his expectant expression. "Ok so, I've never showed anyone but Niall, so don't laugh at me." I bit my bottom lip before pushing the door open to reveal my room, which was like any other teenage girl's room. It had clothes all over the floor, makeup scattered on the dresser, and pictures all around the frame of my mirror. The only different thing was, my walls weren't covered with posters of hot guys, they were covered with pictures I either drew or painted.

"Woah... Did you...?" Harry trailed off, looking all around my room in wonder.

"Yeah... I know they're not very good, but..."

"Are you kidding? They're amazing!" Harry went over to a portrait of Niall I drew when we were both ten. It wasn't my best piece, I was only ten, but it was still pretty life-like. He walked all around my room, looking at every painting, every drawing, before stopping at the one that was right next to my bed. I took in a sharp breath, this was the painting I had done of all the boys based off of one of their more recent photo shoots. He gently lifted his hand, tracing his curly hair in the picture.

"It's not my best piece, but-"

"Nicole, stop saying that. You're amazing at art, why do you keep trying to convince yourself you're not?"

"I don't know... I just... I don't know..." I mumbled, looking down at the ground. Wow, I really needed to vacuum... I heard footsteps, and then felt Harry's hand under my chin, gently lifting my face to look at him, his green eyes filled with an unreadable expression.

"You're the most amazing girl I've ever met, and I know you might not think so, but I promise I'll do everything I can to help you see that," Harry whispered as he tucked a piece of my long brown hair behind my ear, then leaned in slightly to kiss my cheek.


I hope you like it!

I really liked writing it...


if you don't like it I can always rewrite it! :)

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