Disney World Surprise- Graziana and Niall

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"Can we please go on it again? Please Ni?" I begged, using my famous puppy dog face to the blonde haired boy. My boyfriend of two years sighed but smiled his adorable smile, showing off his braces.

"Sure Grazi." He took my hand, twining our fingers together and got in line to go on Splash Mountain for the fifth time that day.

"Again?" Louis, my older brother, whined, pouting and looking like a five year old. Sure, he was older than me, but he definitely was a kid at heart.

"Shut up Lou, it's a fun ride," Niall said, thumping the back of my brother's head, causing me to giggle.

"Oi, watch it leprechaun! Keep it up, and I'll raid your fridge and steal all your food." Niall gasped, slapping his hand over his mouth to keep quiet, and I erupted in a fit of laughter. Niall loved his food, and I swear, if he could, he would marry it. Originally, there were six of us here at Disney World, but we all decided it would be better to split up so there was less of a chance of being recognized and swarmed by crazy One Direction fans. Yeah, Louis Tomlinson was my brother and Niall Horan was my boyfriend, my life was pretty much anything but normal... Harry, Zayn, and Liam had all went somewhere else in the park while Louis, Niall, and I have been riding Splash Mountain ever since we got here. I couldn't help it, it was my favorite ride!

"Oh, we're almost at the front!" I said giddily, really excited. I was already soaking yet, but who cares? I was here to have fun!

"Oh the joy..." Louis mumbled, and this time, I thumped him on the back of his head. "Hey! Not you too!" He rubbed his head, an expression of mock hurt on his face, and I just stuck my tongue out at him.


"Oh my gosh, that was so much fun!" I shrieked as we got off the ride, jumping up and down.

"We are NOT going on it again!"

"Awwwww, but Lou..."

"No! Never again!" he yelled, causing a few people to stare at us. I knew he was kidding around, he never yells for real at me, but they probably thought we were arguing or something. Louis argue with me? As if.

"Fine, fine. We can go on what you want now," I reasoned, holding my hands up in surrender. Niall nudged him, indicating something with his head, and Louis just grinned and nodded.

"Alright then, come with me!" He started to skip away, and I just looked at Niall suspiciously with one eyebrow raised.

"What?" he asked innocently, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Niall James Horan, what's going on?"

"I think Louis want's us to follow him," Niall evaded my question, taking my hand and spinning on his heel, dragging me in the direction Louis went.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled me past so many rides, and he just turned a little so he was facing me and put his finger to his lips, silencing me. "I WILL NOT BE SILENCED!"

"Grazi, please don't make me ruin the surprise..."

"A surprise? I love surprises!" I squealed, jumping a little while we walked. I couldn't help but wonder what this "surprise" was, but if it had anything to do with Louis, it'll be crazy. After a few more minutes of walking, we finally reached our destination- a gazebo. "This isn't a ride..." I trailed off, confused, looking next to me for Niall, but he was nowhere in sight. When did he leave? Where did he go? What was going on? "Niall? Louis? Hello?"

"Hello," a voice said from behind me, making me jump. I turned around to see Louis grinning madly, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I hate you..." I grumbled, and he just chuckled.

"No, you love me. Now come on, we don't have all day," he said as he took my hand and guided me up the few steps to the gazebo, stopping exactly in the middle.

"Lou, what's going-"

"Hush," Louis said, his hands fixing my hair and straightening out my clothes. "There, perfect!" he squealed before jumping out of the gazebo and racing away.

"LOUIS, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I yelled after him, but all I heard was cackling as he ran further and further away.

"You look beautiful, as always." I spun around sharply as I heard his voice behind me to find Niall in a suit and baby blue button down dress shirt down on one knee.

"Niall, what are you-"

"No, don't talk, just let me do this," Niall interrupted, taking my hand in his. "Graziana Tomlinson, you're the most amazing, most beautiful, funniest, smartest and sweetest girl I've ever met. These past two years have just been absolutely incredible, and they made me realize something very important. There's no one I would rather be with for right now, or for my whole life. So, Grazi," he paused, reaching into his suit jacket pocket and drawing out a little blue box. My hand flew to cover my mouth in shock, I couldn't believe it. "Will you make me the happiest boy alive and marry me?" He opened the blue box to reveal a huge, and I mean HUGE ring, with one big diamond in the shape of a heart and little tiny diamonds outlining it. It was the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen, and it probably cost him a fortune. Niall was looking up at me expectantly, his blue eyes scanning my face, and I realized I hadn't answered him.

"Yes, of course!" I grinned, and Niall jumped up, encompassing me in a Horan Hug. He gently pulled back, taking my left hand once again and sliding the ring on my ring finger. I held my hand out, inspecting it, and loved the way it shined in the sunlight.

"How adorable!" Louis cooed from somewhere nearby, but I paid no attention to him. I grabbed the back of Niall's head, pulling him closer, and planted my lips on his eagerly, with him kissing back with as much eagerness. My perfect day at Disney just got even more perfect.


I seriously loved writing this!

it was so fun!

but if you don't like it, I could always write a new one!

it was a really cute concept! :)

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