The Carnival- Julia and Niall

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Niall and I were walking hand in hand along the beach, the waves gently lapping at our feet. My head was resting on Niall's shoulder, my long blonde hair flowing behind me from the wind. Everything about this was perfect- the perfect boy, the perfect setting, the perfect time. Up ahead, I could just faintly make out the outline of a Ferris Wheel, and I grinned, squealing excitedly.

"Niall, look! It's like a carnival!" I tugged lightly on his hand and started to walk faster, hoping he would get the hint that I wanted to go.

"Your excitement is adorable," he chuckled, and he pulled me to a stop, causing me to pout a little. Niall winked at me before turning around, bending down a little. I quickly caught on since we do this all the time, and jumped on his back, throwing my arms around his neck as he held onto my thighs. I rested my head on his shoulder, snuggling into the crook of his neck as he jogged down the beach towards the carnival.


A little while later, we arrived at the carnival that was set up on the beach. I grinned, hopping off Niall's back and running over to the ticket booth, Niall following behind me.

"Two bracelets, please," Niall told the woman in the booth in his adorable Irish accent, placing his hand on the small of my back. I blushed at the contact, quickly looking down to hide it.

"Sure thing babe," she replied with a flirty wink, and I stiffened. I took a good look at her, giving her a glare while silently examining her. She had dark brown hair with white-blonde streaks all over it and a fake tan that made her look orange. She wore a low-cut, see-through white crop top and barely-there short shorts, and I resisted the urge to gag at how slutty she was. Seriously, she looked like some Jersey Shore wannabe. She handed Niall one bracelet for me, but tugged on his hand, pulling it to her and putting his bracelet on herself. Her hands then proceeded to travel up his arm to feel his biceps, and I narrowed my eyes, pulling his arm away. Niall smiled gratefully at me, lifting his hand to gently stroke my cheek before leaning in to kiss me, right infront of the Jersey Whore. I smirked, satisfied at the nickname I gave her, and kissed him back. Someone coughed awkwardly, and I looked up to see the Jersey Whore glaring at me in disgust. I giggled, giving her a three-fingered wave and a wink before pulling Niall away from the booth and towards the rides.

"Wait, Julia, you don't have your bracelet on!" he protested, stopping me before I could get any further. I blushed, once again looking away because I really didn't like it when I did that... He gently took my hand, putting the red paper bracelet on and giving me a toothy smile, showing his adorable crooked teeth.

"Can we go on the Ferris Wheel last? I want to save the best for last." I put on my best pouty face, knowing he couldn't resist the puppy dog face.

"Anything for you, love," he replied, taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together. We walked around a bit, looking at everything, and eventually my eyes landed on the biggest, cutest stuffed bear I have ever seen. I pulled Niall over to the booth, seeing it was one of those Ring Toss games where you throw the ring on a bottle. Niall handed the man some money and got three rings in exchange. Without warning he kissed me quickly and smiled as the blush started to creep onto my face again. "For good luck," he whispered, and then tossed the ring. It landed perfectly on one of the bottles in the back and I cheered, hugging him tightly. He repeated this two more times, each one landing on a bottle in the back.

"You can pick any prize," the man said with a smile at Niall, and Niall instantly turned to me.

"Which one, love?" he asked, and I grinned, pointing to the stuffed bear I had seen earlier. The man smiled and nodded, getting it down and handing it to Niall, who, in turn, got down on one knee. "Would you do me the honor of accepting this stuffed bear?" he asked, holding it out to me. I giggled, taking the bear from him and hugging it tightly.

"I love it!" I exclaimed, and Niall thanked the man at the booth before taking my hand once again and leading me through the carnival.

"Look Julia! Cotton candy!" he exclaimed, letting go of my hand and running over to the sugery goodness in excitement. I just laughed, finding his love for food so adorable, and followed after him. By the time I got to the machine, he was already halfway done with the cotton candy, his mouth the color blue. I giggled, taking a handful of it and shoving it in my mouth. Niall looked at me with a hurt look, and he sniffled, pretending to wipe a tear away. "You stole my cotton candy," he pouted, sticking out his bottom lip a little.

"There's no proof!" I yelled, backing away and smirking.

"Oh yeah? Explain the blue on your face!" Niall grinned, taking a step closer as I stepped back.

"It could have been from... from... this!" I exclaimed, grabbing the back of his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him. He was too shocked to kiss back before I pulled away and grinned triumphantly.

"Alright, you win this one McNeely," he grinned, and I fist pumped the air in victory, earning quite a few stares from people nearby. I suddenly became aware of their looks, and took Niall's hand, pulling him away from them. I always hated being so insecure...

"Look, the Ferris Wheel!" I squealed, running up to the line to wait. Niall shook his head slowly, a big smile on his face, and silently followed me. The line was moving pretty fast, and before I knew it, we were being closed into one of the carts. It was one of those Ferris Wheels that was closed up with a door and an opening to the side, with two seats across from each other. Personally, I would have prefered sitting in one that was open to the sky, so you could look at all the clouds in the daytime and the stars at nighttime. The Ferris Wheel started turning, and I could feel a knot growing in my stomach the higher we went. Niall must have noticed my discomfort because he patted his lap, motioning for me to come over. I obliged, sitting down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight.

"Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?" he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"I'm not afraid, I just don't like heights. And I didn't tell you because I really wanted to go on this with you," I mumbled, my hands playing with the hem of my vintage shirt.

"Julia..." Niall sighed, resting his chin on my shoulder. I turned my head a little and kissed his cheek, his blonde hair tickling my face a little as I did so. I felt the wheel stop moving, and I figured the person was letting people on or off the ride. I looked out the small opening to see an endless dark sky, the ocean just below it. We were really high up, probably at or near the top, and I was silently wishing the ride would start already. What's taking so long? Niall also noticed how long we were stopped and picked me up, placing me back on the seat across from him. He walked over to the opening, looking down, and his gaze turned worried.

"Niall, what's going on?" I asked in a small voice. He turned to look at me, and I saw sympathy in his clear blue eyes.

"The people down there are shouting and running around frantically. I'm guessing the ride is broken..." My eyes widened in shock, we could be stuck up here for hours! "Shh, it's ok babe, everything will be ok," Niall said soothingly, going down on his knees on front of me and hugging me, lightly stroking my hair.

"Don't let me go, Niall, please," I whispered, and his arms wrapped more firmly around me.

"I'll never let you go, Julia. I love you." And with that, the Ferris Wheel started moving again, like one special Irish boy said the magic words. For all I knew, he probably did.


there ya go!

I hope you like it!!! <3

if you don't I could always write you a new one! :)

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