Wedding Reception- Courtney and Niall

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I looked in the bathroom mirror at the deep blue satin dress I was wearing for Aunt Mary's wedding reception. She married Luke, a doctor at St. Jude's Hospital, and the whole wedding primarily consisted of his friends and family, since our family is so tiny. The dress cinched at the waist, a beautiful pink sash used as a kind of belt. Everytime I looked at it, my breath would catch in my throat at its beauty, and it just went perfectly with my long dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"You look beautiful," my mom said as she walked into the bathroom. She was wearing a simple black dress, but she somehow made it look beautiful and elegant, her shoulder length blonde hair curled into ringlets and a gold chain necklace around her neck.

"So do you. How did you know I was in here?" I asked curiously, I had thought no one noticed me coming in here...

"Courtney, you're the maid of honor. It's noticeable if you're missing. Plus, there's really no where else you could have gone. What's wrong?" She put a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving me the mom-knows-best look.

"Nothing's wrong. I just needed to get away from all the celebrating for a few minutes," I lied, hoping she would buy it.

"Not buying it," Mom stated bluntly. Wow, it's like she read my mind... "But I won't bother you about it. Plus, there's someone looking for you. I believe his father is a family friend of Luke's." Oh great, he's looking for me. I burry my head in my hands, frusterated. My mom just pats my shoulder again and exits the bathroom, leaving me alone again, which I found uncomfortable. Honestly, I don't like being alone. But right now, I was just focused on coming up with a plan to avoid him. After all, I had made a fool of myself in front of him and his friends... Normally, I wouldn't care, I mean I pretty much make a fool of myself on an everyday basis, you only live once after all, but this was different. HE was different. I sighed, straightening up and heading to the door, my chin held high and my face completely free of any blush. I was going to show them that I didn't care, that I liked having fun, singing and dancing, and that what they thought didn't matter. What a total lie... My hand wraps around the handle to the door, and I swing it open, immediately crashing into something- no someONE, sending me stumbling backwards a little. But they caught me just in time before I could fall, and I looked up and met a pair of crystal clear blue eyes, a boy with beautiful blonde hair. Him. He smiles at me, showing his teeth, and I get a sight of his clear braces, his smile taking my breath away.

"Hey," he said, helping me to stand upright in my tall heels. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Yeah," I agreed softly, feeling the blush creep onto my cheeks. Damn, just when I had made sure it was gone...

"Can I have this dance?" he asked me, holding out his arm for me to take. I just stared at him, completely dumbfounded. He just saw me doing the damn sprinkler for crying out loud, and he wants to dance with me? But who the hell cares? He's asking isn't he? Might as well go for it.

"No, I don't think so," I said, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear, trying not to smile. His face fell in disappointment, his smile fading, a look of hurt passing across his eyes. "I'm just kidding blondie, lighten up!" I grinned, ruffling his hair and taking his arm, leading the laughing boy to the dance floor. We plowed through the dancing bodies, occasionally saying hi to people we knew along the way, and made it to the center of the room. He took both my hands in his and started to dance, spinning me around sometimes. Eventually, a slow song came on, and he put his hands on my waist, my arms wrapping around his neck. He was taller, by only a few inches, so it wasn't terribly awkward.

"Get some, Nialler!" a boy with curly hair slapped Niall on the back, a girl who was draped on his arm giggling and leaning her head on his shoulder.

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