The Movie Theater- Nikki and Liam

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There I was, sitting front row at the movie theater, crying my eyes out with some stranger comforting me. To make things even more interesting, this stranger was a boy around my age. How embarassing. He looked to be about two years older than me with light brown hair and a kind smile. I couldn't see his eyes behind his 3D glasses, which was weird considering this movie wasn't even in 3D...

"Shhhhh, it's ok love, it's ok," the boy murmured, stroking my hair, and I could detect a British accent in his deep voice. My sobs came less frequently, and soon, I altogether stopped crying and turned to fully face the boy. His shirt was wet with my tears where my head was resting at one point, but it looked like he didn't even care. He was looking at me with an intense, yet concerned face, and I adverted my gaze from him, looking around the rest of the theater to find it empty except for a girl cleaning popcorn from the aisles.

"How long have we been here?" I asked quietly, my voice a little shaky from crying. The ending of Toy Story 3 just gets me everytime...

"The movie ended about a half hour ago," the boy replied, his 3D glasses still on his face. Don't get me wrong, I love 3D glasses and I wear them all the time, but without the lenses. I didn't understand why he was still wearing them.

"Why did you stay?" He finally took off his sunglasses, and I saw who I was really talking to right now.

"Did you really expect me to leave a pretty girl alone crying in a movie theater?" he asked with a smile, causing me to blush. Liam Payne said I was pretty?

"Well yeah, kind of... Everyone else left," I stated, and he rolled his eyes.

"Am I like everyone else?"

"Good point..." I mumbled, suddenly embarassed. Liam had watched me just sob my eyes out over a Toy Story movie... Real cool, Nikki.

"It's ok, I cry at the end too," he whispered in my ear, and for the first time, I noticed his slightly red and puffy eyes.

"Well, now I feel a lot less awkward!" I laughed, which sounded weird since I was crying just a few seconds ago. It was like that halfway point where you weren't quite crying but you weren't quite laughing. Honestly, I though I sounded like a dying hyena, but apparently Liam thought otherwise.

"You have a pretty laugh." This just caused me to laugh even harder because it was anything but pretty right now. Although, I did appreciate how sweet he was being. Just then, my cell phone started beeping this annoying ringtone that I hated but couldn't change because I had no idea how to. Fishing it out of my jeans pocket, I read the angry text from my mom in all caps, asking me where I was and what was going on. Sighing, I turned to Liam.

"I have to go, the prison warden is asking where I am."

"Your mum?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in a cute way.

"How did you know?" I questioned in mock surprise, and he chuckled, holding his hand out. I looked down at it with a confused expression, and he just chuckled even more, then grabbed my phone out of my hands. "Hey! Give it back!" I tried reaching over him, but he stood up and started typing with the phone held high above his head. I jumped up, trying to grab it, but he was a lot taller than me.

"There, all done," he said as he handed me my phone back, and I started typing away desperately on it, trying to figure out what he did.

"What did you do, Payne?"

"Nothing, erm..." he looked expectantly at me, and I realized after all this time he didn't even know my name.


"I did nothing, really, Nikki. I'll see you around sometime!" he called as he started walking up the aisle. When he got to the door of the theater, he turned around and waved, a dazzling smile on his face, before he opened the door and left. A couple seconds later, my phone let off that annoying ringtone again. I looked down at my phone, expecting to see my mom's name again, but instead, I saw it was from Mystery.

From: Mystery

how about sme coffee tmorow?

Everything clicked into place as I realized "I" had apparently sent this person a blank text. Liam had plugged his number into my phone, then sent himself a text so he could have my number. That cheeky little...

To: Mystery

Sure Liam, I'd love to

From: Mystery

howd u no it was me?

I grinned reading his text, not only because of all his typos and text talk, but because I had a date with Liam Payne tomorrow.


so sorry for the long wait!

hope you like it :)

if you don't I can always change it or write another! :)

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