Meet the fam

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Minnie POV

It's been two months since they let Dahlia out of the hospital

We are in the car heading towards my aunts house

As much as I hate what I used to do with my Family at least it was better than having nothing

I became attached to her and so did she

I was driving while Miyeon was in the backseat with Dahlia

"Don't be scared when we arrive" I said

"Why?" She asked as I felt her look at me

"Just don't be scared" I said as I looked at the rear view mirror to turn to a street

"Are you hiding something"




Miyeon let out a sigh a frustrated one to be exact

I felt nervous as I saw the mansion

I'm scared of how she would react

I opened the gate with a little control that my aunt gave me and went inside

I parked the car behind my other three cars which where luxurious cars

I sighed and got off

I opened the Back seat door and took dahlia out

I felt Miyeon look at me or basically stare at me trying to reach my soul

She broke the stare off as she got out the car

I held Dahlia in my arms

As I walked my way to the front door with Miyeon following behind

I pressed the doorbell

Few seconds later I see no other than my cousin

"Long time no see-omg is that your baby I'm an aunt yo Elkie we are aunts kinda" she said and elkie the oldest cousin walked to the front door

"Where are my manners. Im guessing your the girlfriend" Lisa said and Miyeon nodded

Lisa winked at her

"Dumbass you are lucky I'm holding the baby if not I would kill your monkey looking ass" I said and Lisa smirked

"You two stop it and hi I'm elkie Minnies older cousin and this is Lisa" Elkie said as she extended her arm to greet Miyeon and Miyeon extended her arm also

If I didn't know Elkie I would have punched her

"Hi Min-OMG BaBYyYy Can i hold it" Sorn my sister who my mom had with an other man before she met my father(they are basically related by mothers blood)

Now everybody was crowded on the door

I nodded and carefully gave her to Sorn. Sorn has experience with kids since she has one on her own

Elkie moved out the way to let us in. As Sorn talked to dahlia who looked at her and smiled.

Elkie closed the door making me a little nervous

"Auntie Minnie" a little voice called out and it turned out to be my five year old nephew

"Taeyoung" I said as I lifted him up

"Who is she" he asked as he pointed and I followed his finger leading to a Miyeon

"My future wife" I said

Everyone gasped

"Hallelujah" they all said I looked at them in disbelief with my mouth wide open and Taeyeong just laughed

I heard Miyeons soft giggles

I put him down when I saw seunghee Taeyoungs father/mother

"Hey" I said and she gave me a slight smile

"What how can you smile at her and not us" Lisa said

I stuck my tongue out at her

Seunghee waved at Miyeon

And Miyeon did the same

"What's her name?" Seunghee asked when Dahlia caught her attention and went over to Sorn and pinched  dahlias cheeks

"Dahlia" I said

Yes Sorn and seunghee are a married couple

"Where is your mother" I asked Lisa

"She went out but she will be back" Lisa said

I nodded but I saw a glimpse of Lisa looking at Miyeon in a type of way I didn't like

"Lisa don't" I said and she looked at me

She nodded and walked away with Taeyoung

"She is so cute I know auntie will love her and also your beautiful wife" Sorn said and gave me Dahlia back but then I heard her voice

"Who is cute"

We all turned around and Miyeon quickly went behind me

I gulped and so did everybody else in the room


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