I still love you(Minnie Pov)

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Yes I am fully aware of what I m doing to Miyeon

I don't mean to hurt her like that

I don't have a choice

Either Miyeon leaves or becomes part of the Mafia

I want her and dahlia to be free and not live in a world where you always have to run away

Do I love Miyeon?

It breaks me to see her puffy eyes every morning

It hurts to hurt her

I'm breaking apart as well

I don't know what to do anymore

I need Miyeon to leave this house before my aunt makes her join

I don't want dahlia to grow in this type of family

I'm now currently trying to sleep after what I said to Miyeon

I'm scared of loosing her

Couldn't it be much more easier just to say it

But knowing Miyeon she wouldn't care and would stay

I felt the door open

I hard her footsteps coming towards me

I felt a hand caress my cheek after I felt her kneel down

"I love you"

I felt her hand become shaky and right after she left and locked herself in the bathroom

I'm to scared to break things off

Am I a coward?

Am I just being dumb for not just saying the truth?

I'm mad at myself right now

I got up from my bed and headed to see Dahlia she seems to keep me calm

I went to her room and closed the door

I picked Dahlia up

I swayed her side to side so that she wouldn't wake up

"Daddy doesn't want to hurt mommy. I want to protect both of you but that means being away. I don't want mommy to step foot in what my family does it's not the best. I don't want you to grow up and be a killer. Probably mommy hates me. It's for the best right? Aish I'm a coward."

I kept swaying Dahlia

I tear fell from my eyes

"Daddy loves you both very much. The day Miyeon leave and walks out the door with you I will always be there from afar watching you grow. If I where to be honest that's not the only reason why I want Miyeon to leave. We are about to do a mission and we will have to go overseas and I can't leave both of you here in danger. There are many gangs that one to cause harm to me because I kind of stole their girls but nothing happens between me and those girls. Also, I was threaten that they would kill Miyeon. It's best for you two to be away from me."

Tears rolled down my eyes

I tried stopping them but it didn't work

I put Dahlia back in her crib

I walked out and closed the door

I walked back to my room

All I could do is suffer and make others suffer

Miyeon i beg you with all my heart to leave so that it can be easier


Please don't stop loving me

I beg you

I walked into my room to still hear Miyeons sobs

Why does it have to be like this

I walked to the bathroom door and put my hand on the door frame as my head rested on the door as tears fell

I stepped back slowly and walked towards the bed and tucked my self in

As always I cried myself to sleep

Know that I don't want you to go. I want you to stay but I have no choice your life is at danger as well.

I love you and always

(Next chapter is the last)

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