Ch. 1

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Sunny LA.
Sunny California.
The state with an everlasting summer.
I have to say so myself. I love it here. But sometimes its too much for me.

"Alana!" My mom bangs the door of my small apartment. I groan and look over at my clock. Its 7am.


I hear her sigh. "Can you please go get some coffee for me while I get ready for work?"

I stare at the ceiling before responding.

"Sure mom."

I look out and see the beautiful beach we call Malibu.

I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt, brush my teeth, put my hair in a bun, and grab my car keys.

Ever since I got my car my mom has sent me to do everything for her.

I got outside and smiled at the sunny Cali morning.

I made my way to the nearest Starbucks. I arrived to the Starbucks and it was totally packed. And i mean packed. You couldn't even move without stepping on someones shoe.

It was my turn to order and I got pushed forward to go.

I ordered my mom and I's coffee. The wait was like 20 min which is ridiculous. Luckily today was Tuesday. And my mom doesn't start till 9am today.

I grabbed the cup holder with the coffees and started to leave. Midway to the door I feel a push and hot coffee on my shirt and I see the cups on the floor.

I look up and see him. Amazingly blue eyes and luscious lips. I swooned. But anger built up on me.

"Im so so so sorry!" He said worry in his eyes.
"I'll buy you the drinks again and pay for your shirt."

I guess he was worried because I was just staring at him.

"Its okay. I'll take you up on the offer to buy my drinks again but my shirt is those 10 dollar t-shirts from Target." I smiled.

And he laughed. It brought joy to this chaotic room.

He told me to find a table while he waits in line to order our drinks. I did so. Finding a table at the corner of the room. I about 5 min and my mom kept calling me and I had to explain to her what happened and it ended up to me hanging up on her mid talking.

He sat down and apologized once again.

"Its really okay. Don't worry about it."

He smiled at me and I can tell he was observing my face.

"Im Lucky. Lucky Blue Smith."

Obviously new to this and Im a shitty writing but I love Lucky with all my heart and I feel as if there isn't enough fanfics about him out there and this happened. Its shitty and probably like four people will read this but yeah. xx

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