Ch. 26

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His lips fit so perfectly on mine and we went in sync. I know I shouldn't be doing this. I pull away.

"What's wrong?" He breathes as he tries to catch his breath.

"I- I don't want this Lucky... You know that."

His head bows down and he sighs. "I know I shouldn't. But I can't help myself, Alana. I love you."

" I love you too... But I'm not going to easily come back to you."

"Why not?" He whined getting up. "I am CRAZY for you, Alana!" He yelled so loud it scared me.

"Lucky, you fucked my bestfriend. Multiple times. I am completely in love with you but all you do is hurt me and hurt me." I get up to make it clear. "I wish it could be like before..." I whispered under my breath.

Lucky grabs my arm and pulls me toward him. "Oh, you know you can't stay away." His lips smack mine again and his hands pull at my shorts.

"Stop." I say. But he doesn't listen. "Stop." His head places itself in the crook of my neck.

"Fuck, Alana. I'm sorry." He moves away and makes his way out of my room and seconds later I hear a door slam. I stand there confused as my lips are swollen from kissing and making out. What the fuck was that.

No, seriously... what was that? I am so confused. I find my way to my bed in a dazed blur of confusion and touch my lips. God, I wish I could go back to him. To his warm hugs and soft kisses. The way we always play with our hands. God, I am such a romantic and I never seem to quite do the right thing.

My clock brings little light to the room and I see what time it was. 1:40am. I groaned. I'm so tired. What is this? I feel nauseous and like i'm flying. I feel so flushed and tingly. I turn over in my bed. I need sleep. My eyes feel droopy and I feel heavier. Soon I fall to deep slumber but then my alarm goes off (aka my mother) at 7am.

I groan at her voice.

"Alana! Honey, we're leaving!"

"Okay!" I yell from my room to lazy to go downstairs.

"Love you!" She says loud and clear.

I don't say anything. I don't want to say anything. How could a mother hate her daughter over something that she didn't do?

"I love you, Alana!" My dad yells after a minute of silence.

"I love you too, Dad!"

And then I hear the quiet voice of a door shutting and then my mother complaining.

I couldn't fall asleep after that so I decided to go make myself breakfast. I look outside to see the beautiful beach morning. Maybe i'll go on a jog today? Maybe i'll finish two seasons today? Who knows.

The doorbell rings flushing me with confusion.

I make my way to the door and reach out to open it. "Who the fuck-" I open to find a beat up Lucky.

"Alana..." He croaks as he collapses on the floor. He winces in pain and I drag him inside.

A/N: Sorry this is shitty af. Sorry I took too long to update. Summer is almost coming and trust me I'll have many chapters prepared for you guys. Anyway, hope you don't hate me for this shitty chapter! I LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT.

Comment your age, so I can see the lowest age on here 😂 I'm 15 btw





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