Ch. 30

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Lucky's POV (yay!?)

I stood nervously at the door waiting for it to open. My palms were sweating and I felt like I had to pee myself. I rang the door bell once again and the door opens to reveal the most beautiful girl ever.


"Happy Birthday, Alana!" I cheer, giving her the white roses. She smiles, smelling them before putting them on the table. She quickly hugs me and I grab on to her not wanting her to let go. She slightly detached herself from me. I cupped her cheeks and brought my lips to hers. She smiled halfway through our kiss.

"Come on." I grabbed her hand and led her to my car. She squeezed my hand.

"Where are we going?" Her eyes were lit up and she looked so beautiful under the moonlight.

"Somewhere." I respond making her sigh in defeat.

We drove for about an hour and I can tell Alana was trying to stay calm. She fiddled with her hands and I grabbed her hand. She smiled. God, she is so fucking beautiful. Her eyelashes lay perfectly on her chubby cheeks as she smiles and that smile. Oh that smile makes me melt from miles away.

I pulled into the the small driveway of an elegant restraunt. It seems weird outside but inside it is huge and gorgeous and it has the best scenery.

"Whoa..." Alana says, looking up at the chandeliers and paintings on the ceiling. I smile at how adorable she looks. I grab her hand and lead her to our table. I almost trip over a chair leg.

She laughs, "Lucky, you're so clumsy. I don't know how you walk runways."

I roll my eyes at her. "Haha, so funny!"

She hides her smile behind her hand as she laughs. And I now spot her bracelet. "That's a pretty neat bracelet." I say, admiring the guitar pick. Sam Davis is across it. "Is that your brothers? You never told me he played!"

"I did!" She squeals back. I give her a look of 'really?' and she smiles, "I think..."

Her laugh fills up the room and it makes my heart race. She's so perfect. Our waitress comes and hands us our menus. Alana looks at it confused, scrunching her eyebrows together.

"It's French. French food." I clarify. Her face shows understanding and she smiles. "I said i'd take you to France one day. Slowly, we'll get there." Her face turns a light shade of rose and she looks down.

The night was filled with laughs and stupid puns and lots of flirting. I do that a lot.

We were walking down the little lake boardwalk and it was absolutely perfect.

The moonlight shined on the lake and her face, making her eyes turn a shade of green that was crazy beautiful. Once we came to the end, I grabbed her hand, and I grew some balls.

"Alana, I-I know i've fucked up. Really bad. But I love you. I am crazy in love with you! And--and I know it's crazy and stupid but I know you're my future. You're my everything. You're my fucking world. I love you, Alana. So will you be mine?" That was nerve wracking. "Again?"

She giggles and nods. "Yes. I will be yours... Again."

With that I press my lips onto hers. Our lips were meant for each other. Like our bodies were molded for each other.


Okay so for the sequel... I will be fast forwarding it to when they're older. So they're 17 now and then 4 years later they're 21.

Also, should I change Alana's character? The girl I portray Alana as is Maggie Todd. But she has more of a teen look (she's 18) and I don't know if I should keep her or find a more mature face. Comment if I should! And comment some people who would be good for her role!

OH OH AND are there any Joe Sugg fans out there?????????????



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