Ch. 17

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"Yeah sure." I say getting up and looking at Danny who was giving me a worried face. I smiled at him signaling it was okay. He loosens up and takes out his phone. We walk outside and Lucky drags me away from Starbucks to be hidden behind a wall.

"I can't believe you'd do that in front of me." His eyebrows furrow and his jaw clenches.

"Excuse me? You cant't believe that I did that? I saw you fucken kiss Josie, okay? I saw you and literally that same week Pyper told me bullshit crap about how you felt like shit."

He grabs my hand. "I do feel like shit. I do. I feel like utter shit. I miss you and I don't know why I did that. Im stupid and it was so selfish."

"You kissed her..." The words were so low and light I felt like I didn't say it.

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. If you saw more I pulled away. I told her I was still not over you. Im never going to get over you Alana." He grabs my hands and leans in closer. His lips touch mine and my eyes feel warm with tears.

I push him off. "You left me!" I yell. "You left me for something that I'm learning how to control. You left me for something that you could've helped me with."

He brushed his bleached hair with his fingers and rubs his face.

At this point, Danny came outside and grabbed my arm. "Let's go." Lucky grabs my other arm tells me to stay a little longer.

"Fuck. Do you not understand? You fucken hurt her dude. I've known her for a month and she is so fucken broken because of you. Be there for her or don't."

Lucky rolls his eyes. "I don't need to hear this from her new little boyfriend." They're about the same height and their faces are so close and Danny looks like he wants to rip his face off.

"I'm not her boyfriend. Im her friend. But if I was. I'd be a better boyfriend than you were."

Lucky's hand connects with Danny's jaw. Everything just happened so fast. I push Lucky. "Stop! Just stop!" I yell. "You're both hurting me! I'm trying here Lucky. I really am. But you brought this to yourself. You decided you couldn't deal with me. I have people who would do anything for me!" I point at Danny. "Would you?!" I yell. He stays quiet not knowing the answer. I nod, "I didn't think so." I grab Danny's arm and we walk off to my car. I glance back at Lucky. He's crying. Oh my god. No. No. I fight the urge to run to him and kiss him and tell him I forgive him.

Danny's eyes are filled with madness and his cut on the lip bleeds. I grab a tissue and pat it on his lip. "Im sorry I got you into this." He stays quiet. His head down and he fiddles with his thumb. I drive him home. As he gets out of the car, I say bye but he ignores me and furrows his eyebrows walking around my car.

Goodness, did I fuck up everything? I hit my steering wheel as I cry. Fuck. I shouldn't be driving with tears blurring my sight. It's sunset and the clouds illuminate in pink. Nobody's home. Nobody's ever home. Everyone drowns themselves in work to ignore problems. Everyone leaves. I grab my beach bag and start putting in wine, wine, and wine. My mind is so messed up and my head hurts from crying and my face feels swollen. I grab my phone but decide to leave it. I have my supplies; liquor, food, two blankets, and my records and record player. I make my way to the cave where all my problems love to leave. I can't deal with this anymore. I hate everything and I hate this stupid OCD that wasted my time right now because I kept checking if I locked the door and how I can't stop digging my nails into my skin. And how each step I take. I count. The voices in my head won't shut up and I'm drowning.

I hate this. I hate it. I love Lucky. And it might seem stupid. Yeah, I am 16. And I have fallen in love like if I was 20. Love is shit. Love is fucked up. Love is hell. Love means you have to love that person no matter what you do. Love is not wanting to love a person but still loving them. Love is a laserquest.

My feet hurt as I climb rocks and step into tide pools. The sand sticking on to my feet annoy me and I arrive at my cave. It's so hidden. I was 9 when I discovered this. My mom let me wander off but told me to stay close to shore. 20 minutes later I found this cave and ever since then this is where i'd go. I knew to always go when my brother was with his friends and my parents were at work. I'd escape. Taking my books and drowning myself in other worlds.

I open a bottle of wine. The best first. It's been a while since i've stolen liquor from my parents. God I missed it.


A/N: okay so it's short but that's because the next chapter it'll be Lucky's POV so yeah. Hope you guys are loving it! Oh! And WOW OMG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING ITS SO COOL TO KNOW THAT PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD ARE READING MY STORY OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS I KNOW I SAY IT A LOT BUT IM SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU GUYS

Oh and by the way i'm from LA, Cali. :)

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