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My face was so unclear today. All the junk food had been affecting my face. I had so many blemishes and my under eyes were so red. I don't get my sleeping meds until my cut cures. My mom was worried that it wouldn't be a good mix with the pain killers even if the doctor said it would be okay. It's like some days I don't sleep at all and some days I sleep all day. There is no in between. I luckily slept last night. I hear my dad yell my name. Shit it's Friday. I need to run the Starbucks errand today. Grab coffee for my mother and father before they go to work. June is so beautiful because thats when summer starts and its not too hot as mid summer. I lazily put on my blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I rub my face as I walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and laugh. I look like complete shit. After my mouth is minty and clean I debate wether to put on makeup or not.

"Alana! You have 10 minutes!" And that's my answer. No makeup.

"Calm down! I can'r run and rush myself with a aching foot okay." I sit down on a step and drag myself down the stairs. This is easier than trying to get down from the stairs with crutches. My dad yells at me saying if he doesn't get his coffee soon he's going to explode. But yet he lied to me telling me I have 10 minutes to get coffee when honestly I have a hour.

I quickly get in the car and drive away. When I get to the coffee shop I recognize the bleached hair. Fuck it's Lucky. Fuck. What the fuck do I do? I slide down my seat as he passes by my car. I look at the rearview mirror as he walks up to a tall girl. Its not one of his sisters. Its Josie. My chest begins to ache and I can't breathe. I quickly run into the store and order. I want to get out of here already. My foot hurts and my heart hurts and I need to cry. I sneak a peek while waiting. She grabs his pant loop and pulls him closer to him. She leans in and their lips touch. What the fuck. No, no no no. This can't be happening. I blink my eyes and shake my hands. Please be a dream. Please be a dream. The realization hits me when I realize it's not a dream. He moved on. He moved on and it hurts so much. "He feels shitty" Bullshit. Pure fucken bullshit. She moves her hand to his face and touches his cheek. I try running to my car but these stupid fucken crutches slow me down too much. I sit there in my car breathing too hard. Just weeks ago we were happy celebrating his birthday.

I hear a knock on my window. Wiping my tears offs i see who was who's knocking. It's Danny.

"You okay?" His plump lips curve into a smile. I nod as I motion him to come in. He brings his skateboard between his thighs and sips his coffee.

"You skate?" I ask. His hair is all messy and he looks extremely tired. He makes me laugh when he nods and bites a piece of his croissant and smiles, bread sticking out.

"Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not."

"You clearly are."

"Oh shush Danny." He looks up at me with a closed smile when i say his name.

"Do you surf?" A grin shapes on my face. He claims he'd probably fail if he tried. "Oh god, if it wasn't for this stupid cut i'd take you surfing right now."

"How'd you get it any way?" I began to start my engine and drive off. I tell him about how I got cut and how they found out that i have OCD. He broke into a cackle. We arrived to my house as soon as I stopped my engine he ran around the car to open the door for me. He grabbed the coffee and his skateboard. Wow I just met this kid and he's already meeting my parents.

"I got the coffee!" I yell closing the door for Danny. Did I ever mention I have a dog? An Australian Shepard to be exact, his name is Yoyo. Yoyo jumps on Danny. He was so startled he screamed. My parents come running to the front door with their suits and briefcases. Today's my mom's first day of work since I went to the hospital. She says I can take care of myself now.

"Oh, hi there," My mom shakes Danny's hand and looks at me. "Oh mom this is Danny. Danny these are my parents."

My dad smiles at him. Not accepting his hand shake. "Alana, are you guys going to stay here? At home?" Oh my god Dad. Dad no. Just no.

"No, I was planning to take Yoyo on a walk. Danny wanted to accompany me. Is that okay Dad?" He looks at Danny and I almost laugh at how uncomfortable and scared Danny is. My dad agrees and they leave.

"Im so sorry for that." I laugh. He brings his hands to his face and covers his eyes.

"God that was frightening." His smile peaks through his hands and my lips curve at that view. "So you're really inviting me to walk your dog?"

"If you want..." I shyly put my head down as I lock Yoyo's leash. His footsteps come closer to me and i feel a hand brush against my hair putting it behind my ear before cupping his hand on my cheek.

"I'd love to." He smirks and inches closer to me but then he grabs Yoyo's leash and turns to open the door. I stand there so shocked at his move. "Are you coming?" He asks laughing at me. We drive to the nearest park. I am so thankful for him to come. I've been meaning to take Yoyo out for a walk but beacause of my accident and these stupid crutches. I can barely drive. And now he's here walking with me and walking my dog. I just met him this week.

"So when did you get your dog?" Smooth Danny smooth.

"A year ago. We got him be-" I stopped myself. For once in my life I didn't cry at the reason why we got Yoyo. But like always I talk to soon. I don't realize it but my eyes were so watering. Danny lays his hand on my shoulder and leans his head to face me.

"Hey hey don't cry." He pulls me in to his chest and wraps his arms around me. He takes me to a bench and lets Yoyo go play. "I want to know you. I want to know your story. Is it okay if you do?"




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