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My dad is coming home from a business trip today. I haven't seen him in forever. Well more like 3 weeks but I miss the old guy.

Lucky wanted to meet him but I laughed. Maybe not too soon.

We were walking climbing rocks to go to my favorite place.

"Where are we going?" He asked grabbing my hand for support. I was leading the way so I had to help him climb the rocks. We were going on a beach picnic. We obviously didn't make food but we bought In-N-Out.

I mentioned once of a hideaway I have. And he advised we should have a picnic there today.
So we packed our bathing suits and bought the food and headed out.

"Here we are." I said admiring my hideaway. It was a part of the beach so hidden. Mainly because a huge rock was in the way we had to step on the shore to make our way around. And it led to a beautiful cave. And an amazing view of the beach.

"Whoa.." He said. I looked over at him and saw how his eyes traveled around the place.

"I come here to get away from my problems. Well other than the beach at night which is my favorite thing ever. But it's my own world here. I even have candles in the cave." I chuckled pointing at the candles set along the walls of the cave.

Lucky lit them up and smiled at me. It was a beautiful day. We sat down and ate our burgers. And I liked this.

I liked the feeling of breathing the smell of the ocean and hearing the waves while hearing someones beautiful voice.

I had my bathing suit under my shorts and sweater. Lucky pulled on one sleeve.

"So you can see your tan skin babe."

He pushed himself closer to me and laid down.

"Isn't your dad coming home from a trip today?"

I nodded. I was kind of out of it today. I felt tired and sick.

"Whats wrong babe?" We've been here for a good hour talking in the sun.

I sighed. "I don't know. Im just tired and sun kissed. I want to take a nap."

He smiled and pulled me down to his chest. I nuzzled my head in his neck and he rubbed circles on my arm.

"Lets take a nap then." And we did. We took a nap.

I woke up looking up to Lucky. He was peacefully sleeping. I wiggled my way out of his arms and walked towards to the water. I dove right in. My hands touching the sand. I went deeper to the ocean. I laid back and I just floated looking up at the sunset.

I felt hands linger on my arm. Lucky. He had this smirk that he always does that makes me feel fireworks inside. He slowly inched closer to me and whispered. "Hold your breath."

And suddenly I got pushed under the water. Laying on the sand underwater Lucky was on top of me. He kissed me underwater. This was our second kiss.

Its crazy. We've been on five dates officially. And I met him just a couple of weeks ago.

We were heading back. I felt in place. Serenity. We were in the car and I don't know. I feel this feeling when i'm with Lucky that I don't know how to explain. I love that feeling.

I said my goodbye giving him a big hug once we were at my house.

"Bye babe." He said licking his lips. Thats when I went for it. Our third kiss. Done by me.

"Bye babe." I said giving him a smile.

I walked into the house silently dropping my bag by the door really quietly. I guess it didn't work because my mother yelled. "She's back!" and my dad came rushing to the door.

He quickly embraced me. "Alana! I've missed you! I brought you a gift." He said ushering me to the living room.

"How was New York?" I asked. My dad is a CEO of a company that's been passed down generation to generation.

"It was great honey. I went to a fashion show actually. My friend's daughter was in it. Jeremy Scott? I think that was the designers name. Anyway,I got you a big t-shirt because I know you're madly in love with oversized things and.." He grabbed a small bag full of sand. Ever since my dad started to traveling and I started to go out more we'd bring sand. Like if we go to a beach we've never been before we'd bring back sand and add it to this big cylinder thing we have and state where the sand is from.

I realized my dad said he went to the Jeremy Scott show. Lucky was in it.

"You're looking different. Whats with the bare skin on side not the other?" He pointed at my sweater.

"Oh she's been hanging out with this guy lately." My mom said winking at me. Oh god.
Here comes the lecture.

"You're seeing someone, Alana?" My dad glares at me. I backed away a little.

"I met him at Starbucks. He crashed into me and dropped my drinks. He bought me new ones but it was crazy that day and we we're there for a long time talking."

He looked at me seriously. "How old is he? Does he have a job? When was your first date with him?"

"Whoa Dad. Its okay he's sweet. He's the same age. 16. He's a model. Actually he was at NY last week. He modeled for Jeremy Scott..."

My dad raised his eyebrows in impression.

"Yeah.. He took me out to Moonshadows the next day after Starbucks. And we've been hanging out a lot lately."

"So you're dating?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. My cheeks felt hot and I began tapping my leg.

"I guess you can say that." I smiled looking down. I never really expected this. I thought i'd tell him after like a couple of weeks of dating Lucky. Or I mean my first boyfriend never worked out he dumped me for another girl so you can say I don't have good luck with boys.

He smiled at me "Well it's good to see you out of the house ever since you know." Oh. Last summer. I tried pushing the memory away. I excused myself as my shaky legs moved. Breathe Alana Breathe. I decided to text Lucky to get the thoughts of my head.


So I told my dad about you...


Oh shit. Really? What'd he say?


He was curious at first but he saw you at the Jeremy Scott show last week and he looked impressed.


That's great! And slightly embarrassing.

We texted to about 2am when I just fell asleep thinking about last summer. I cried myself to sleep.

Okay so I really don't know what i'm doing with this story honestly. I need ideas and i just shdjaj but anyway i decided to update like whenever i want. some days short chapters some days long ones. So lets say i take forever to upload. Its probably because its a long chapter. JUST KNOW I WILL BE UPDATING EVERY WEEK. xx

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