Ch. 19

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I am so shocked to what I am hearing. They what? Lucky stands up and yells, "Ava!"

"I'm sorry! She had to know Lucky! She's my bestfriend!" My mind is a mess and I just stand there in shock as they argue. "It was only for a while, Alana. He was sad and you were having fun with your new friend and I was mad and let alone you ignored me for a while. It just happened but it was only a couple of times, Alana." She reaches over to touch my shoulder but I take a step back.

"You-you think just because you slept with him a couple times out of anger and sadness that I'll be okay with this?! You think i'm that vulnerable?!" My hands are shaking and I want to scream at the top of my lungs and I just can't think straight.

"Alana-" Lucky begins. I shut him up by yelling.

"No! Shut up! We were so close to sleeping together yesterday and I am SOOOO grateful it didn't happen! You, Lucky, you are such a dick. What did you sleep with Josie too?!" I glare at him and his response is so clear. "Wow, I mean wow. I got so played here. What would you do if I went and had sex with Danny, a guy you really like?" I directed to Ava. She keeps her mouth shut. "And what would you do if I went and had sex with Danny? A guy you clearly don't like." He looks down in shame.

Ava speaks, "I wouldn't mind. If you went and did that Alana would that settle this?" Lucky's eyes shoot up as he realizes what Ava is bargaining with. He begins to say something but Ava shoots her finger up shushing him.
"Would it?"

My mind was so scrambled and I wasn't thinking right and the words that come out of my mouth are, "I don't know lets see." And I grab my keys and walk out. I look at my mirror in the car and see Lucky running after my car. How could he do this? I get he was sad but he brought it to himself. They both "distanced" themselves to "help" me but I begin to think that was a lie. I still can't bring myself to believe that they did that. It's just not right man. She's my bestfriend since like first grade.

I arrive at the peaceful street of Danny. I keep my head high and pretend i'm not dieing inside. I knock on the door and it seemed so loud. He opens the door and smiles at me. "Thank god you're okay." He brings me to his arm and embraces me. He gestures me to come inside and I do so, putting my keys were I always put them. I think I had the saddest look ever or something because Danny shoots me his green worried eyes and asks, "Are you okay?" Once I hear that, I try putting on a brave smile but it completely falls and I start to cry. Shit Alana stop crying. Danny sits me on the couch and begins to beg for me to tell him what happened.

"It's just... it's just... Ava and Lucky had sex. Multiple times. And- and I just found out right now and I had just said that we got back together and I don't know now I feel so used and played with. Ava likes you and she knows I like you. Oh yeah, I like you and I shouldn't because I love Lucky. But then she was like you can settle this if you have sex with Danny and I kind of just left and came here."

He shocks me a little at the humor he brings. "Do you want to have sex?" Then I realize he's serious.

"I mean, I do. But I don't. I like you Danny and I really never thought about it until now. But you'll always be more of a bestfriend figure than a boyfriend figure. I don't know."

"Yeah, I understand. It's okay. But honestly Alana, go back to Lucky. You bring yourself down because you're not with him so just go to him. You're happy with him. And I like that he makes you happy because I love seeing you happy so if that means I have to see you with him and not me then it's okay. Because I can assure you we both care about your happiness."

He's right. Lucky makes me happy and he makes me feel something i've never felt before. He makes me feel like i'm the most special person on earth and he makes me feel like I can just come to him and I'll be safe. "You're right." I say, standing up and headjng out the door. "I'll text you later!" I yell getting in my car and driving off into the 12pm road. It's already so sunny in Malibu and I drive off home to see if Charming Blue is still there. I run into my house and hesitate to drop my keys on the floor. I lightly put them in the bowl and get excited again. "Lucky?!" I hear footsteps come closer and then I see the bleached hair boy and run and jump on him.

"Whoa! What happened? You're face is all puffy. Were you crying? Did you do it? Oh Alana please tell me you didn't."

I laugh at how worried he is and I smack his lips on mine. "I didn't. I want you, Lucky. I want you only." He smiles and whispers, "Thank god."

His lips reattach to mine and for once my mind wasn't so clustered and full of thoughts and it was so blank and peaceful. See this only happens when I'm with him.

"What's a word that means comfort and safety. Like a feeling or place. I can't find myself to know how to explain how I feel when I'm with you." I ponder. At this moment we are in the kitchen leaning against the counter side by side.

"Huh, I've actually been trying to figure that out too but the word is at the tip of my tongue but I can't come to it." His voices fills the echoing house and I feel so happy.

The sudden realization hits us and we both say what we've been meaning to say.

"Home." We say in usion. I turn my head and meet his eyes and we laugh at how stupid we are that we couldn't find the oh so common word.


A/N: Short but I hope you guys like it! If you guys don't mind comment some chapter ideas! I am running out of ideas here and I don't want to stop writing. Please comment and help me! And keep voting!


Twitter- @luckybluehome

(Btw, I don't think I want Lucky to be Mormon in this fanfic for specific reasons)

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