Chapter Ten - Dance With Me

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I'm so so so so so sorry this took so long. It's a short chapter I'm sorry but this is the best I could do. The continued support for this book has been overwhelming and I can't get over it - I LOVE YOU ALL 😚😚😚😚

Warnings: talk of drugs and addiction. If this affects you in any way please don't read

El would've killed for a beer. She, John B and Kie were clustered together as they and the rest of the Kooks waited for the Camerons to make their grand entrance.

The stares she got from boys were terrifying. They were either glaring at her or waiting for her dress to slip and reveal something; there was no in-between. El kept her arms crossed over her chest and stayed close to John B.

Pope was also there, which wasn't unusual. He and his dad normally worked through Midsummers. He'd tried to catch Els eye a few times, but she gave him a friendly wave and left it at that.

At last, the Camerons strode into the party. Some people started clapping, for some reason. Ward and Rose were first, Wheezie was behind them, and then Sarah and Rafe behind her. Rafe had one hand in his pocket and Sarah's arm looped through his. His eyes scanned the crowd for El, smiling when he finally found her.

Sarah and Rafe broke away from their family. She fell into John B's arms and they moved further into the party while Rafe stood in front of El, his brows furrowed. "Are you okay?" He whispered in her ear, warm hands on her shoulders.

"Fine," she said quickly and stepped closer to him. "Its just, the parties I'm used to are filled with intense drinking and then some sort of fight and then the night ends with me cleaning my brothers wounds. These are way too tame for me."

Placing both of their drinks down, Rafe pulled her over to a much more secluded spot. It was behind the building, where the music was just about audible and they were away from any prying eyes.

Rafes hands were on her waist and hers were around his neck. He moved slowly, swaying from side to side, he steps more akin to shuffling. El moved with him, her eyes looking at the sea behind him. "What's on your mind?" He whispered in hear ear.

With her head on his shoulder, El pressed a kiss to his neck. It was an involuntary move, being so close to him. She just couldn't stop herself. "I forget that our home can actually be kinda beautiful."

And so did Rafe. With his fast paced lifestyle, he didn't get a moment to just stop. But, with El in his arms, he allowed himself to breathe.

"What would you say if I asked you to get out of here with me?"

"I'd say no." Her hands were in his hair. "Rafe, Midsummers is a big deal and we can't just bail on it. When will I ever get to do something like this again?"

Frowning, Rafe pulled her closer. With the sun dipping lower it had gotten slightly colder and goosebumps rose along Els arms. She ignored them but Rafe was determined to keep her warm. "Dance with me," she whispered and placed her hand in his.

Again, their dance was more of a shuffle across the grass. When will I ever get to do something like this again? The words had been bothering Rafe ever since they left Els mouth. But, what else could she think of him? The Camerons and the Maybanks? They were never going to mix. A modern day Romeo and Juliet.

There was a commotion from over where the rest of the Kooks were having their party. At first El thought nothing of it, probably just a brawl over who had the best house.

But then there was a shock of blonde hair, a beaten up face and a boy dressed like a waiter being dragged away by the old security guard.

Instantly El spun Rafe so that his back was to the commotion. She tried to keep a smile on her red face as they continued to dance. "What? What is it?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. Rafe grabbed her elbows, halting her movements.

"It's nothing," she tried, arms around his neck. But then Rafe gave her a look, one he knew would get her to do anything. "Well, it's just that JJ's here and I don't want there to be scene."

That was when Rafe turned around. Upon seeing the youngest Maybank his face relaxed. And then be became enraged.

He stormed over, all while El was trying to pull him back. "Don't do this, Cameron. He's my little brother! You're twice the size of him, you'll kill him!" She tried to shout as he stomped his way over.

Only once face to face with JJ did he stop. Rafe folded his arms over his chest and his little Kook buddies crowded around him. The dancing and the music had stopped and every Kook in the damned place was watching. El wanted the ground to swallow her up.

So, she did the only thing she could think of. In a moment of stupid bravery (or brave stupidity, depending on who you ask) El got between her brother and her sort of boyfriend. "Back off, both of you," she said in a low voice.

El turned to her brother. "What the hell are you doing here?" She hissed, fury on her face. "Are you trying to ruin this for me? Is that what you're doing?"

"I found it."

"I don't want to hear thi- found what?"

"The next piece of the puzzle."

El slapped him upside the head, not caring for who was watching. "You could've told me this at home! But no, you had to come and ruin my night."

"Well I didn't come for you, Eleanor!"

"Piss off, then, James! Go away!"

JJ pushed her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. The only thing stopping her from tumbling to the ground was Rafe. Her nostrils flared, chest rising and falling. Without saying anything, she stalked off. All she wanted from this night was to not make a scene, to blend in with those around her. But no, JJ couldn't help but ruin it all.

Tears threatened to spill as she walked. She folded her arms over her chest and walked away from the festivities, all eyes on her. Three people called her name, tried to call her back, but she kept going.

Her shoes slipped from her feet, like she was some fucking Disney Princess. Like Cinderella she didn't go back for her shoe. She kept moving through the grass, her tights becoming damp.

Rage built in her the further she walked. She ignored all of the noise from beside her, the calls of her name, the please for her to come back. Until a hand was on her elbow, pulling her into his chest. "You're okay," he said and El took a moment to look around and where she was.

Sand covered her feet, waves crashing to her left. On instinct alone she found herself in a place that held some of the best memories. Memories with her brother, memories with the Pogues, few memories she had with a happy family.

"El," Rafe whispered against her hairline. "You're okay, I've got you," he said and wrapped his arms around her.

El held onto his shirt, tears streaming down her face. "I hate him," she cried, the words foreign on her tongue. "I never want to go back home." El sobbed against his shirt until her chest hurt.

"Stay with me tonight," Rafe whispered. "We can sleep on my dad's boat, have the place to ourselves."

"I can't," she instantly began but Rafe cut her off, "Yes you can, El. You can't look after your brother and your dad for your entire life. I know you think you don't need anybody but I wanna treat you right."

Rafe took a minute. He licked his lips as he composed his words. "Before I invited you, my plans were to spend the night getting high and partying like I wanted to die. If... if I didn't get so close to you I would've been a addict, dependant on what Barry was giving me. The more time I spend with you, the less I feel the night to escape. So, please, stay with me."

Her arms tightened around him. She kissed him once, twice, three times and placed her head against his chest, listening to his erratic heartbeat. "Are you sure your dad won't be pissed if we spend the night on his boat?"


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