Chapter Twelve - Sunlight

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I'm sorry these updates are taking so long. I'm trying to read more and I'm making a sleeve to make my instagram pictures pretty again and this is all time consuming shit. But I'm pretty sure this only has a few chapters left now :)

Enjoy 1.7K of my bullshit!

The Pogues got out, just assuming El was right behind them. Without bothering to count their numbers, they ran. They ran until they were hidden from view, hiding behind shrubs on the hill overlooking The Chateau.

"El, call the-" But Pope stopped short. "El? Eleanor?" He called, turning in a circle. Worry was written across his face as he turned, looking for her. "JJ. JJ, where is El?"

JJ's face was white as he turned, searching all around for her. "What if she's back at the Château and we left her there? What if they got her? What are they doing to my sister?" He Cried, marching back in the direction of the Château.

A hand was on his arm, stilling him. John B turned JJ towards him and handed him his phone. "Us being there will only make things worse, especially if those guys are still there."

"So, what? You want me to call them and tell them to fuck off?"

"No," Sarah cut in. "We want you to call my brother. He's the only one who doesn't know what's going on, him getting her would be less of a risk."

"No offence, Sarah, but I really don't trust your brother."

"Well he's the only option El's got!"


Rafe Cameron expected his day to be quiet. Maybe some rounds of golf in the afternoon, Topper would probably invite him out to a party or to get wasted or to help him get laid and Rafe would turn it all down because he's taken and very much in love.

He didn't expect a call from his sister. He didn't expect JJ Maybanks voice to be coming out of the speaker. Rafe stayed silent as JJ detailed everything to him, took in everything.

When he was done, Rafe didn't even hang up the phone. He left it on his desk and took off, racing down the stairs, grabbed his dad's keys and took off towards the Château.

He violated several traffic laws along the way. Racing from Figure Eight to The Cut like his life depended on it. Els life really did depend on it.

Parking outside of the Château, Rafe killed the engine and ran towards the house. He didn't take in his surroundings, his focus on El.

The door was on its hinges, wide open. And there, laid on the middle of the floor, was his girlfriend. Still breathing, he could see. A sigh of relief left him.

Rafe hadn't even tried to prepare himself for the worst. But this made his stomach churn. He crept into the Château, footsteps quiet and light. But he was the only one there. If someone with a gun was waiting around the corner they would've come out and shot him by now.

If they had guns, why leave El alive? He found himself wondering. Why attack them in the first place? Rafe dropped to his knees beside her and desperately shook her shoulder. "El, sweetheart," he whispered, sitting her up and pulling her into his lap. "Come on, babycakes, you gotta wake up. The others are so worried about you. They called me to come rescue you."

"You gotta kiss her," came a faint, high pitched voice.

Rafe looked down at the girl in his arms. He saw the corner of her mouth twitch and immediately dropped her. "Ow," she complained, glaring up at him. "Why'd you do that?"

"Because I was worried about you!"

Sitting up, she immediately pulled him closer. "You're cute," she whispered and kissed his cheek.

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