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All Three | Noah Cyrus

Y/n's POV

Jake stood there blankly just as Chan once stood in front of that burning house. It's crazy how similar it all was almost as if the past was repeating itself again. Just as I never wanted it too. Though, there it was, the past laughing in my face. Not to mention I was once again feeling pain coursing through my body and legs. It's been so long.. At least Chan wasn't the one inflicting it this time.

"Jake.." Chan says.
"Take care of Y/n. She needs a doctor."
Chan walks up to me touching me softly.
"Grab mom and a first aid."
"Did you not hear me?" Jake grips the blooded bat glaring at Chan.
"We can't send her to a doctor... or I'll loose her again.. I'll get the supplies you sit here and put pressure on her leg." Chan walks away quickly out of the room. Jake throws the bat to the side and walks towards me. He quietly grabs a shirt from Chan's drawer and wraps it tightly around my leg. I hissed at the pressure.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He says.
"It's all good." Suddenly Chan comes back in along with his mother and a bucket. Jake backs away as they both start working on my leg.
"Jake, I need you to start making a bonfire outside."
"Your going to burn his body?!?!"
"We can't just drive to the sea during the day. And I don't want to keep seeing him here. I need him out. Besides, you killed him. You deal with it."
Chan's mom smacks him, " Be nicer to him. He just went through it for you." Chan sighs.
"I'll help you in a bit. I just need to patch her up first.. Just get the first ready..ok?" He nods and walks out of the room.

"Chan..?" I whined looking into his eyes. He smiles softly at me.
"I've done this for you last time. I can do it again. You'll be fine." He says cleaning my wound.
"Chan, I want to talk with you.."
"Shhh," He kisses my sweaty forehead, " Don't speak."

They cleaned my wound and patched it up as much as they could. And when they were done I was layered up in Chan's bed by myself listening to the cracks of wood as San's body was thrown in. So many things ran through my mind now. After everything, I thought about Chan, about that girl I killed, and mostly I thought about Jake. I wondered how he was feeling. Obviously it was nothing like the way I killed.. But I still worried for him. Wondered if he was okay..
"Y/n?" Chan's mother walks in with a glass of water.
"Oh thank you." I sat up and took the glass.
"How are you feeling?"
"It still fucking hurts." I sipped the water.
"I'm sorry that this happened."
"Did you know about Chan and what he does... or at least did?"
"No. However, I think it's best I never ask or know. I love him as he is, but I'm sure he did something horrible in order for Jake to act the way he did."
"I killed San's sister."
"You?" Her eyes become wide.
"I was jealous of her and Chan. And I stabbed her in the throat... I regret it."
"That's why he was here."
"He wanted revenge. But in the end it didn't happen. And Fire was fought with fire. As it always is."
"You get some rest." I nodded and watched her walk out of the room.

•One week later•

It seemed like everything went back to normal instantly. Except for the fact that I could barley walk anymore. It hurt so much to even stand. Thankfully, they had a pair of crutches to use if and only if I needed to go to the restroom and back. Chan's mother suggested I be easy with myself as the wound was still ify even if it wasn't that big of an opening. I was glad at least To have them care for me so much. Not only did they care, but Jake occasionally snuck into Chan's room to check on me and play board games. I still worried over him even if he smiled so brightly at me. Truly he cared for others more then himself. I wish he'd be selfish and take a moment for himself instead of checking on me so much..

"You going back to school tomorrow?"
"Between you and me, no."
"Why not?"
"I'm just worried about you." He says softly as if Chan could hear through the walls.
"I keep thinking.. about your situation. Even if San is gone. You still have that weight of my brother on you."
"Maybe so...but I plan on speaking with him about how I feel.." Jake leans back a bit.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"You know he will listen to me."
"Yeah he listens. Only when it benefits him."
"You think?"
"That's how it seems."
"It's not over until I figure something out.."
He sighs at this.

Suddenly a knock is heard at the door and Chan speaks casually.
"Your daily 30 minute Playtime is over."
"I really can't believe you.." Jake states pouting.
"You really want to pass the time limit and find out what happens?"
"Leave." Jake winks at me and walks out the room leaving me with Chan.

"Jake is so interested in you after all that stuff that went down.." Chan says as he sits on the side of the bed.
"He's just worried. Especially after I was wounded."
"Why does he have a reason to be worried? Your nothing to him."
"Because I make you happy right?" Chan smiles.
"Right. But I'm still concerned he's after you. I bet you that kiss got to his head."
"Oh gosh. Come on Chan."
"What?? I'm serious. I can't stop thinking about the way he looked at you."
"He was probably feeling regretful. Don't assume." Chan rolls his eyes.
"You obviously don't listen to my lectures on him do you?"
"I listen but I don't think your right." Chan kisses me.
"Your lucky I love you otherwise I'd strangle you for pushing all my buttons. Anyway, I miss touching you and making you squeal at night. It's too bad mom is making us stop because she thinks I'll hurt you.. "
"Too horny."
"I can't help myself when I'm around you.."
"Is that all you ever think about?" I say bluntly.
"Not all the time.. I promise I think about other things that involve you..."
"Right." He kisses my cheek.
"I really do.."
Right then, My heart begins to beat faster as I think about opening up to him. How the hell do I word my feelings though? Thought, If anytime was good to speak up, I figured it was now. I had to despite that fear bubbling up within my stomach.
"I know that you like to keep me safe by keeping me to yourself, and I appreciate that. But I really want be involved with the outside.." he blankly looks at me before laughing.
"Your funny."
"I'm serious."
"Oh?" He raises a brow in disbelief.
"I want to be able to touch grass again. And go on cute dinner dates with you.."
"We can have picnics if you want in the backyard."
"Your not leaving outside here. And that's final. If I loose you again, I really don't know what I'd do. Your everything to me."
"Do you not trust me?"
"I do. But I just don't trust others with you."
"...What if I just ended it?"
"Than you better bring me along. So tell me if your  ever going to so I can be with you."

I never knew the full extent he would go until now. Even in death he planned on holding on.
"Okay." I say.
"If I died you'd come along too..Right?" He asked.
"Of course."

I love him. But I hate this feeling. The feeling of wondering if he'd snap, or this feeling of being confined. There was no room to even think in this place with him. And now my options are used up as he finds away to bring them down.

How do I change his mind?

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