A Little Jealousy

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Song | Afraid ~ The Neighbourhood


I thought for sure he would kill me since he had promised he would. But instead we packed everything we could into an older truck they had. Chan said it was his grandfathers before he passed away and even if it was old it could go anywhere we wanted. He didn't say much where exactly we were going, but knowing him it was a place even more deserted then this. I was sure if it.

"Alright. That's about it." He grabs an alcohol bottle from the drivers seat.
"Why do you need that?" I asked nervously.
"Just watch." He opens it and places a wash cloth inside. Immediately with a lighter he walks up to the open doors of the house. And before I could tell him anything he lights it up and throws it inside. I sat there for a few minutes before the house was engulfed in flames.
"I can't believe I'm throwing it all away." He says.
"You should have just killed me."
"It's too late for that now. I have to keep you and there isn't anything you can do or say It's too late." He grabs my hand and leads me to the truck.


It's been hours on the road. Hours and hours of driving or so it felt like. It got to the point were I fell asleep off and on. I wondered if Chan was tired staring for so long at the wheel. He probably was. I also wondered about his emotions for he was everywhere. Chan got so angry with me and than before you know it, he was calm. For now he just looked frustrated. Probably because he couldn't go back because of Johnny's nosey girlfriend.. However in the middle of driving, Chan calls someone on his phone.
"Yes?" I could here his voice trailing off into the air.
"I need a favor."
"What is it?"
"I need you to kill some girl name Autumn Carter."
"Oh? Why can't you do it yourself?"
"Because I killed Johnny and they found out Y/n was previously in the house."
"Oh shit.. Yeah I got you. Don't worry about it."
"Anything for an old friend." Chan hangs up. I sit quietly without a word staring out the window sleepily.
"Y/n?" Chan calls.
"Yes?" I answered with a cracked voice.
"Put this on." He hands me a piece of cloth.
"A blind fold?"
"Yes. Just in case.. Also this." He hands me a black dog's collar with an old fashioned sliver dog tag. I grab it looking at it observingly. The dog tag was a heart with my name written on it as well as a couple small rhinestones. And I'm the back.. It had his name next to the words property of. My heart drops to the bottom of my gut as I was staring at it.
"The brand wasn't enough for you?" I mumbled.
"Nope. So put it on and never take it off." He chuckles.
Sighing I put the collar on as if I were putting on a dainty choker. I than place the cloth over my eyes. He chuckles at me. Could he not? I bet I looked ridiculous... Suddenly he stops the car and at the bottom of the cloth I could see a red light. It was probably because we were at a cross section in the road. It was silent until I felt Chan's right hand grab my jaw and bite my bottom lip suddenly. He chuckles again before moving into a complete kiss. Chan stops abruptly and begins driving again. The light had  finally turned green. That red light was the longest Ive ever waited at on any car ride. It feel like forever. And the moment he stopped I felt myself gasp a bit. Why does he do things like that?? It's because I'm just a joke to him. I know it. But the way he kisses is so fucking soft. Like he could do no harm. He felt like everything you'd imagine a first kiss to feel like. Fucking perfect in every way.

This is one of life's cruelest jokes..

When we arrived Chan takes my blindfold off. We stood in front of some broken home in the middle of the suburbs. Why here?
"Come on." I frown following him with my bag of things. Chan grabs a pair of keys and unlocks the door.
"Chan??" A feminine voice calls out.
"I'm back."
"I'm so excited. You-" The girl fast walks to Chan hugging him tightly before pecking him on the lips.
"I need stay for a bit if you don't mind. Johnny and I got into a disagreement."
"Of course baby! Also who is this? " She raises a brow.
"Your brother gave me her to torture her a bit."
"Ooh???" She smirks, " Well your just in time I made dinner!"
"Thanks." He pulls me by my collar and drags me into the dining area.
"Looks like you already did a number on her.." she's says while setting up the table.
"Of course I did. Now she's like an obedient dog. Took a bit though." Chan sets me in one of the chairs by his side.
"I'm glad to here you and my brother getting along through the family business."
"Me too."
"When are you going to tell him we're dating?" She pouts.
"I'll tell him.. just not yet. If I did he'd kill me for sure."
"I won't let him." She says rolling her eyes setting a variety of foods on the table. Soon she sits in the chair in front of me. Suddenly we lock eyes.
"Who's idea was the collar?"
"San." He states grabbing food. The girl grabs at the dog tag, but Chan stops her grabbing her hand gently.
"I missed you." She smiles forgetting about my collar.
"Aww, I did too.."  She gives him heart eyes. How disgusting this was. For some reason it made me super uncomfortable. It made my stomach churn as if I was going to throw up all my internal organs. But I didn't know why exactly...

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