Chapter 25

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Quackity POV

Sam and Quackity had finally made it back to Pogtopia. It took them longer than usual due to Quackity who kept having to use the restroom.

"Alright I'm sorry Sam I have a small bladder I can't help it." Quackity said to an upset Sam who just huffed in response.

Quackity groaned

They continued walking until they saw the whole Pogtopia group outside doing what seemed like training.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sam asked, walking up to the group.

"We are training. Didn't Wilbur tell you?" Niki said

Sam and Quackity looked at each other confused.

"No, we haven't heard anything yet. We were out this morning." Sam responded.

"Oh well they came up with a date. For the War, it's the 16th." Tubbo said to Sam

"So, we are all training together while Tommy and Wilbur plan more." The boy continued.

Sam nodded to his response and looked at Quackity again.

"Well, we'll join you." Sam said while nodding at Quackity.

"Here Tubbo, go with Quackity, Niki I'll go with you." Sam said and they all nodded in response.

"Hello Q man, how are you." Tubbo said while throwing a hit at Quackity who dodged it.

"I'm good, how about you Tub man?" Quackity asked, dodging yet another attack from Tubbo.

"Could be better." Tubbo said while going to hit Quackity again, but this time Quackity grabbed his weapon and swung back at him, stopping right before he hit the boy.

Quackity smirked at Tubbo "Quackity 1, Tubbo 0" he said while moving the weapon away from Tubbo, who then pulled out another weapon, swinging at Quackity but stopping right before he hit him.

"Now it's even." Tubbo said with a smile, they both laughed and continued to train with each other.

The four of them all trained together and took turns switching partners to get more familiar with fighting different people.

After a while they all took a break and ate dinner together.

They talked and laughed for hours, forgetting about the painful thought of war.


After Sam and Quackity left, and Punz came for a brief visit, Karl went to where Punz had said to go for training.

When he got there, he saw everyone fighting harshly, refusing to let anyone but themselves win.

He saw Schlatt standing in a corner watching the rest of the crew fought each other.

Karl watched for a while analyzing how Punz and Sapnap would gang up on dream but still fail. It looked like Dream had the upper hand each time.

Schlatt walked up to Karl and put his arm around him.

"Aren't you excited for this war." Schlatt asked with a proud smile.

Karl didn't answer, and continued to watch Dream, yet again, beat Punz and Sapnap.

"Why don't you guys take a break." Schlatt said out loud for everyone to hear.

The three men all looked at him and nodded.

Punz and Sapnap went their own way, and Dream walked to Schlatt and Karl.

"Welcome Karl." Dream said then began to talk to Schlatt about their plans.

Karl had zoned out.

'Could he even fight as well as them? Or would he just get down right away?' Karl thought to himself, but a specific someone's voice knocked him out of his thoughts.

"Schlatt." Bad said while walking to them with Skeppy and Ant by his side.

"hello my friend." Schlatt said with open arms.

"I thought they were with Pogtopia?" Karl whispered to Dream

"They were." Dream responded with a smirk and then joining bad and Schlatt conversation.

Karl was shocked, he didn't know that Bad was working with Manburg, and he doubted Pogtopia knew either.

Punz then walked up to Karl and offered him help with training, which Karl accepted, but he couldn't get his mind off of the Bad situation.

After they all trained together for a while Schlatt finally called everyone off.

Everyone went off together except Karl.

He made sure everyone was gone before he started to walk home, but before he reached his house, he took a different turn.

He had to tell Quackity about Bad, so he headed to the big tree Quackity had told him about.

It took Karl a while before he found where he thought the tree was.

"Quackity." Karl said out loud "Quackity?" He said a little louder, but not too loud.

He looked around to see if anyone was near, but no luck.

Karl decided he'd just try again tomorrow, but as he was walking away, he heard a twig snap.

"Quackity is that you?" Karl said worriedly.

He saw someone coming out from behind a tree.

"Quackity, hey its Karl I needed to talk to yo-" Karl started to say but stopped once he got close enough to see who the person was.

"W-Wilbur?" Karl said nervously

"Hello there Karl."


Hello, a shorter chapter but I hope you liked it!

Thank you for always reading! I'm glad some of you enjoy my little book!

I've thought about writing more about different people but I'm not entirely sure.

Anyways hope all is well! Have a good day/night/afternoon!

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