Part 9 End!

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Just as those words left Justice's mouth Caspian felt his whole world trembling, shaken to the very core. He panicked!
Say what?! He couldn't believe his ears.

In as much as he was shocked to, he was no coward. He didn't want to give up without a fight. Without trying the best he can to solve this first. He had to at least try.

So he pleaded.... "please don't do this baby, that guy isn't stable, he can leave you any day. Please let's try and work things out first. Please my love. Please don't do this" He pleaded pathetically.

But all the pleads fell on deaf ears as Justice wasn't even looking at him. He looked really bored outta his mind. He had already decided. That tugged at Caspian's heart strings. He needed to think fast.

So he got up, run to this bedroom and retrieved the pamphlet. He came crushing on his knees in front of Justice once again.

"Look at this baby, it's a vacation holiday. We can go there and relax. Just the two of us. Let's get out of here baby. I already booked and it's already payed for. Please my love." He pleaded desperately.

After 30 minutes of crying and pleading with desperation, he raised a puppy dog face to his husband. He actually looked cute, like a wet puppy. It made Justice smile and then he accepted the offer to try with his family.


Caspian who was really in a hurry to get his husband far away from Diego as soon as possible booked that vacation for that same day. They had to live in the evening.

Justice left home saying that had to sort out some things at the office before leaving for vacation while Caspian packed their bags.

3 hours of waiting for Justice return, he already packed and was ready to bounce.
He got startled when he heard his phone ring. The number was Justices.

"'m hurt..." Justice cries into the phone. Causing Caspian to panic.

"What the hell Justice, where are you?!" 

"I'm downtown......" he gave an address, before he could finish talking Caspian was already in his car driving to him.

Upon getting there, he  saw Justice with blood dripping from his head onto his cloths. It looked like he was hit in the head. Soon a man came out to them with a deep scowl on his face.

"Tell this perv to stay away from my boyfriend Diego." The man grunted with a deep scowled.

"What are you talking about! Did you do this to him? How dare you touch him you bastard!" Caspian yelled glaring daggers at the man.

"Look I don't know who you are but advice your friend to stay away from Diego. I caught them having sex! Can you imagine! Listen the next time won't be pretty. Now get the fuck away from here" he grunted, glaring right back.

Caspian's face softens. He didn't know how to feel anymore. So he simply bowed his head in shame. He felt numb. It didn't hurt anymore.

He helped Justice into the car. And drove silently to the hospital. He kept watching Justice from the corners of his eyes just to make sure he was still breathing and eyes opened.

When they arrived at the hospital,  Caspian helped Justice into the hospital, sat him down on the waiting chair in the waiting area and sat next to him.

For several minutes none of them spoke.

Caspian stood from his seat, and squatted in front of  Justice. He stroke his face softly, and lovingly. He took a deep breath, gave Justice a sad smile and left. He left him in that waiting room alone.

He hurried to his car, got in and drove off.

He got to the apartment and packed all his shits.

And then he left!

He walked away from everything. It was too toxic to stay.

He left!

Loading his things into the G-Wagon. Sat in the car and cried   the last time and left.


Justice got home after his dressing and didn't find his husband! He had left!
Caspian finally saw him for the  shit he really was and left him.

Justice cried and screamed!!!!

Wishing he could turn back the hands of time but it was too late!

                          The End!

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