Chapter 12: Happiness

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Over the next few months Thomas became even more protective over you, he was always by your side when he wasn't working. Watching your belly grow gave him such joy know that was his flesh and blood forming in your womb, he was constantly rubbing and kissing your swollen belly. Luda Mae and Aunt Theresa were sewing lots of baby clothes and toys, still unsure if it would be a boy or girl. Thomas and Hoyt cut down the tree in the backyard to build a crib for the baby, while you were in charge of decorating the nursery. You got a few cans of paint from the store in town and used your artistic skills to paint animals all over the walls, painting made you so happy and feeling your baby kick your from inside your womb gave you the inspiration you needed to prepare for his or her arrival. Although you wouldn't know what it would be until the baby is born in just a few short months, you wanted it to be a boy so he could grow up to be big and strong like his father, Thomas on the other hand was hoping for a little girl that would be as beautiful as her mother. But in the end it wouldn't matter what the gender is because this child, your child was conceived out of pure, unconditional love and both you and Thomas were going to love it no matter what. Thinking of Thomas being a father made you happy but also a little nervous, you knew he didn't have any experience with small children and you weren't sure if he would be a little too rough with the baby, not knowing his own strength. You brushed off these feelings,  you knew that every new mother has her worried but you knew that everything would be just fine. Thomas was going to be the best father to his child and protect him or her with every fiber of his being. His child wouldn't be bullied like he was, the other children would know better not to mess with the Hewitt's and he was going to make damn sure of that. The next few months seemed to fly by quicker than anticipated, everything was ready for the baby's arrival while you and Thomas anxiously wait for you to go into labor. You were asleep with your head against his chest when suddenly you were awakened by the bed getting wet, you sat up feeling embarrassed because you thought you had accidentally peed the bed due to the baby kicking you in the bladder again, but then the pain came. Quickly waking Thomas and him noticing that you were in discomfort and that the bed was wet, he immediately went and got Luda Mae and Aunt Theresa. Everyone rushing into the room, Luda Mae instructed Thomas to go get a bucket of warm water and towels, Thomas left the room to get the items as both Luda Mae and Aunt Theresa helped undress your lower half and remove the blankets from the bed. When Thomas came back he put a towel underneath you and sat behind you supporting your back and rubbing you shoulders. Luda Mae kept checking to see how dilated you were and when it was time to push Thomas held your hand and rubbed your back for support. it didn't take long until baby Hewitt was born, Aunt Theresa quickly cleaned the blood off with the warm water and wrapped the baby in a blanket before giving it to you, you were exhausted and covered in sweat but you didn't care. Seeinf your baby's precious face for the first time made you burst out in tears, still not knowing the gender. Hoyt wkes in the room shortly after and carelessly said (Hoyt):"Well, what is it?"  Realizing that neither of you had checked to see what it was yet, you pulled back the baby blanket to reveal the gender (Y/N):"It's a boy, a beautiful boy" you said with tears streaming down your face, looking up at Thomas seeing that he was crying too (Y/N):" do you wanna hold your son Tommy?" He looked at you confused as if to ask if it was really okay but then he nodded his head and got up from behind you, gently leaning you back on the pillows as you handed him the newborn. Thomas was so gentle with him, much to your surprise, he held the baby after if he was made out of glass and was afraid it was going to break. (Y/N):"such a good father Tommy" he looked down at you and took off his mask (Thomas):" I l-love y-y-you" his voice was hoarse from not using it in so long, but the fact that he actually said it instead of writing it down made it that much clearer. You were so glad that these chain of events happened in your life, all of the stupid heartbreak from your past boyfriend's were so worth this moment. You were silently thanking your parents for reaching out to the Hewitt's and arranging your marriage to Thomas, you didn't want to imagine what your life might have been like without him, he was perfect to you, he was your true love.

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