Chapter 4: Meeting the rest of the family

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Thomas just stares at you until you hear Luda Mae shout from down stairs (Luda Mae): "suppers ready, y'all come and get it!" The two of you make your way downstairs and to the dinner table, by the time you get there there's already five other people you haven't met yet. From the distance you can hear a woman (Bethany): "Oh Luda Mae, you weren't kiddin' she is pretty" (Luda Mae): " (Y/N) dear come sit next to your soon-to-be cousin Bethany" you do as she says because you don't want to be rude, as you sit at the dinner table you notice that everyone is staring at you, this makes you feel a bit uneasy as you never like to be the center of attention. (Hoyt) "What's the matter girl, cat got your tongue? *laughs*" another man starts scolding Hoyt telling him to leave you alone, you soon find out that this is Jonathan, another one of Thomas's brothers. Luda Mae proceeds to introduce you to the rest of the family, she points to an older couple (Luda Mae): "Now this is your uncle Vernon and aunt Theresa, although you won't see much of them" They give you a gentle wave then turn their attention back to their food, she then points to a young boy around the age of six (Luda Mae): "And this little fella is your brother Cleetus, He's just asking shy as Thomas and probably won't talk to you much" Cleetus sinks down in his chair until the table is covering the bottom half of his face, when he does this it reminds you of Thomas and you wondered what he thought of all of this so you turn to look at him and find that he had already been staring at you the entire time, the thought of that made you blush. (Bethany): " Look at these two love birds, already hittin' it off" you looked at Bethany when she said this and as you did Thomas proceeds to put more food on your plate. You were already stuffed but you knew that he was going to watch you until you cleared your plate once more, and you didn't want to be rude. After dinner you went up to your bedroom to finish unpacking your things, soon after Bethany came into your room (Bethany): "Hope I didn't embarrass you too much back there" (Y/N): "Oh, no it's alright Bethany. I guess I didn't realize we were making eyes at each other" the two of you share a smile (Bethany): "So (Y/N) do ya need any help unpackin', I'd be glad to help my new cuz" (Y/N): "I'm actually just about finished since Thomas and I already unpacked my clothes earlier" she gives you a bit of a sour face (Bethany): "Alright well if you change your mind I'll be down in the barn" and with that she walked out of your room. You continue to unpack the rest of your things, and after you finish you decided to read one of your favorite books so you lay down on Thomas's bed and relax for the rest of the evening. You wonder where Thomas could be, you haven't seen him since dinner. The sun has been down for a few hours now and your tired but you want to wait for Thomas to come into the room before you go to bed, you wait for what seems like forever. Finally you can hear the faint sound of someone walking upstairs, Thomas comes into view, he stops in his tracks when he see's you looking up at him. (Hey, I was wondering when you were gonna come up." He just looks at you, surprised that you were waiting on him. He slowly makes his way to the dresser and pulls out a clean white T-shirt and a pair of boxers, you were a bit disappointed that he went into the bathroom to change his clothes. When he made his way back into the bedroom, you saw him wearing only his T-shirt and boxers, although you didn't want to admit it seeing him without pants for the first time turned you on. You then realized that you hadn't changed out if your day clothe yet and got up to find something to sleep in, you usually just sleep in your underwear alone but you knew that wouldn't be appropriate this early into the relationship. You simply change into a T-shirt and clothes shorts then got back into the bed, this time under the covers. You quietly say (Y/N): " Goodnight Thomas" but with no reply

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