Chapter 7: Cannibals

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(Y/N) POV: Thomas and I have been married for a week now, the family is nice but I can't help but get the feeling their hiding something from me. I''ve been hearing the faint sounds of a chainsaw but decide to just ignore it, it's probably just Tommy and his brother Jonathan working. Since becoming part of the family I've been assigned to help Luda Mae around the house and in the kitchen, I want to buy her a cookbook to introduce her to some new recipes. I don't want to offend her but I'm starting to get tired of the stew besides the meat tastes weird it's not like anything I've ever had before.

Author POV: While helping Luda Mae tidy up the house you can't help but over hear Bethany and aunt Theresa talking about when you and Thomas are going to have your first child. (Y/N):" I don't mean to be rude or anything but I kinda thought that me and Tommy would be married for while before having children" after you said this everyone in the room stared at you like you were from outerspace. (Hoyt):"well listen here little lady, our boy has been waiting long enough to start his own family and we ain't gonna let you just walts in here and start changing all the rules" you let out a big sigh (Y/N):"Okay, then I'll just go talk to Thomas about it right now and see what he thinks" after that you stormed out of the house and torwards the barn, Hoyt tried to stop you by saying that you won't like what you see but you didn't care you wanted to see Thomas and you wanted to see him now. As you reached the barn your frustration kept building and you could feel your eyes burning with tears theatening to come out. (Y/N):"Tommy! Tommy are you in here honey, I want to talk to you about something" you say as you open the barn door walking inside. As you walk in the barn you see Thomas standing over one of the wooden tables, he's chopping something with a meat cleaver his clothes covered in blood. You stand there for a moment just staring at him, you've never seen him like this before and it shocked you. Thomas realized you were in the doorway and put down his cleaver, wiping his hands on his apron he slowly makes his way torwards you. (Y/N):" Hi honey, did you hear me earlier? I.. I came in here to talk to you about something" Thomas just looked at you and shook his head then tilted it to the side as if to say " no, what is it?" (Y/N):" Um well.. are you wanting to have a baby right now?" his eyes got really wide and he looked around as if to find an answer for you, he found a notepad and pen on top of the freezer then started to write something down, meanwhile you found an old couch in the back of the barn so you went and sat on it. Thomas made his way to you after a moment of writing and handed you the notepad.

I do want to have children with you very much, but I understand if now is not the time for that. Although it will be difficult to explain this to the rest of the family as they've been waiting for me to have children for some time now.

Thomas sat next to you on the couch as you were reading the note, when you were finished you looked up at him smiling. You tossed the notepad on the floor and wrapped your arms around Thomas's neck hugging him (Y/N):" Thank you for understanding Tommy" he returned the hug buy wrapping his arms around your small figure, you stayed like this for a couple of minutes enjoying his embrace. You then remembered that he was working so you started to get up when your eyes landed on the wooden table where he was working at, there laid a human torso that was being cut up and the meat inside being packaged. All collor drained from your face as you started to feel faint, Thomas quickly picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the house, tucking you in bed to rest as he went back to the barn to finish working. After resting for about an hour Luda Mae made her way into your room with a plate of dinner, you then realized that you slept through dinner. (Luda Mae):" (Y/N) how are you feeling dear? Thomas said that you seen how we get our meat" you sat up in bed and looked at her confused for a moment (Y/N):"So your saying that we're cannibals?" That's why the meat tasted different you thought to yourself.

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