Chapter 2: Meeting him for the first time

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You crawled out of bed, wiped the crust out of your eyes and put on your white dress with the sunflowers on it. You decided to put on a little makeup to hide the dark circles under your eyes so you put on your (S/C) foundation, mascara and a bit of red lipstick. By this time the Hewitt's were going to be at your house in 30 minutes, you're freaking out. (Mom): "Are you ready (Y/N)?" (Y/N): "Yeah, I'll be down in just a minute" taking one last glance in the mirror before you head down the stairs, meanwhile the Hewitt's arrived early and were welcomed in by your father. When you started walking down the stairs you couldn't help but notice a very tall man with dark hair staring at you in awe (Mom): "Dear this is Thomas" as she gestures towards the tall man (Y/N): "Hi, It's nice to meet you I'm (Y/N)" you notice that the man is wearing a mask covering the lower portion of his face. The man doesn't say anything he just stands there awkwardly making you a bit uncomfortable (Luda Mae): "Thomas doesn't talk much dear, that's something you'll have to get used to I'm afraid. Anyways I'm Luda Mae but I suppose you should call me Mama" (Dad): "We should leave these two alone to get aquainted" (Mom): "Oh yes I suppose you're right honey" before you new it you were alone in the house with Thomas. (Y/N): "So this is whole thing is kinda weird huh" (Thomas): *Nods head* (Y/N): "So.. what do you think of me so far?" Thomas still hasn't said a single word to you and your not sure if he ever will speak, just like his mother said it's something you'll have to get used to. (Thomas): "You're pretty" you were shocked when you hear his voice, it was deep and very masculine yet he spoke quietly. (Y/N): "Oh *Blushes* thank you" Thomas just nods his head while looking right at you, he hasn't taken his eyes off of you all morning. (Y/N): "Do.. do you want to take a walk?" you can see the hint of a smile you just wish you could see under the mask, why does he wear it anyways you wonder. Thomas walks over to the door and opens it for you gesturing for you to go ahead. Your thankful that he's a gentleman, even if he won't talk much at least he's kind to you. The two of you start walking on the path by your house that leads to a trail in the woods, you reach a clearing in the trees that your father had made for bird watching. There was a red wooden bench that he had placed there some time ago, you decided to take a break from your walk and rest on the bench for a few minutes. You were surprised when you saw Thomas kneel to the ground and pull a ring out of his jeans pocket, it was a white gold ring with three small diamonds in the center (Thomas): "For you" (Y/N): *Gasp* "Oh Thomas it's beautiful" He gently takes your left hand and slips the ring on your finger then the two of you walk back to the house where your mother was preparing lunch. After lunch the Hewitt's leave.

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