Chapter 6: Adjusting to your new life

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While helping Luda Mae make dinner you noticed that she kept looking at you from the corner of her eye and smiling like somehow she knew about what you and Thomas had already done. You ignored this to the best of your ability and went on with you bunisess as you started setting the table (Luda Mae):" (Y/N) dear, could you go and tell everyone that supper is ready?" you simply nod and go to find your family, Uncle Vernon was in his usual place in front of the television while Aunt Theresa was on the couch crocheting baby clothes, you wondered why on earth she would be doing that so soon you and Thomas had only gotten married today. You decided to brush the thought off of your mind and go find your cousin Bethany, you thought that she would probably be tending to her garden so you start to make your way torwards the front door when your stopped by a hand firmly grasping your arm, you turn to see Thomas looking down at you with concern in is eyes. In an attempt to comfort him you place your hand on his left cheek (Y/N):" Don't worry Tommy, I'm not going anywhere, I was just trying to find Bethany. Would you like to come with me?" you said with a smile which caused his eyes to soften as he nods and heads to the front door holding it open for you like the gentleman that he is, as you walked outside he gestures you to follow him torwards the barn, as the two of you made your way to the barn door Thomas stopped and turned to you. He held a hand up as if he was telling you to stay there and he went inside the barn, he came out a few minutes later and gestured for you to come in. You could instantly tell that he had gone in to clean it up almost as if he was embarrased for you to see the mess it had been, you could see blood stains on the ground as well as on wooden tables that also had knife marks in them. Luda Mae had told you that Thomas worked as butcher some time ago so you figured that's all it was and didn't think much of it. There was a deep freezer in the barn, you started to wonder why Thomas has brought you here, what was he trying to tell you? you looked at him to find answers but he just looked at you to see what you thought of it (Y/N)" It's very nice Tommy, but i really need to go find Bethany now" Thomas let out a sigh and nodded then started walking out of the barn and torwards the back of the house where Bethany's garden was. She was pulling weeds when she saw the two of you walking up from the barn (Bethany):" Hey y'all, is supper about ready yet?" you smile at her (Y/N):" That's actually why we came out here, Momma sent me and Tommy just tagged along" you looked at at Thomas and smiled, enjoying the company. (Bethany):" By the sounds of teh creaking I herad comin' from your room earlier, I'd say you two are gettin' along pretty well huh" when she said this you could feel your cheeks burning as a deep red blush came onto your face (Bethany):" Oh there's no need to be embarrased about having sex with your own husband (y/n), I just hope it won't be too long 'till we have a baby runnin' 'round here" Bethany chuckles as she gets up and heads into the house. You were nervous to see Thomas's reaction to what Bethany said about having a baby, but you looked up at him just to find that he ws already looking at you (Y/N):" It's a bit early to be thinking about babies, isn't it?" Thomas just shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his arm aound your waist leading you back to the house. After dinner you helped Luda Mae with the dishes, when you were finished you went to look for Thomas, you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible to get to know him better. After no luck of finding him you decided to just start getting ready for bed so you went upstairs to your new bedroom, when you arrived you saw a not folded nicely on the bedside table with a few hand picked flowers next to it, you picked up the note and to your surprise Thomas has very good handwriting.
I wanted to show you the barn today because that's where I'll be spending most of my time, there is still so much that you have to learn about our family, I just hope that you can learn to accept these things. Know that I do care and Love you and all I want is for you to be happy.
Reading the note brought tears to your eyes (Y/n):"He loves me, oh Tommy, I love you too"

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