Be Gentle-Ava Jalali

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    You felt like you were drowning--hell all the students probably did

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    You felt like you were drowning--hell all the students probably did. You had to be the best; nothing less. It was what the school expected. It was what your mom expected. It was what you expected.
     And you had to be the best for Ava. She deserved no less. She deserved the most loving and caring partner the world could provide, and you were determined to be that.
     It was a day where neither of you had classes. To most, that would warrant a break. But to the students of BHU, it was just more time to get better and become the best.
     You had woken up earlier. Ava was still sleeping; she deserved to rest especially after the hell she put herself through last night.
     Looking to the side, you watched as the sunlight filtered through the curtains and shone on your girlfriend. She looked ethereal regardless of all the flaws she claimed she had.
     You lifted your hand and rested it on her cheek, rubbing the smooth skin gently with your thumb. When she began to stir, you leisurely made your way out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
     Trying to make the least amount of noise possible, you carefully grabbed some pans to make Ava some breakfast.
     You were just making the last pancake when you heard footsteps down the hall.
     "Hey, have you seen my laptop?"
     Chuckling, you turned the stove off and removed the pan from the heat.
     "Well good morning to you too, love," you muttered while walking towards her.
     Your girlfriend playfully rolled her eyes at you before leaning her head against your shoulder.
     "I'm serious. I have a deadline coming up and I need to finish."
     You wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her closer, placing a gentle peck to her hairline.
     "If it's the deadline I think you're talking about, it's not for another two and a half months, you have time. What you need to do," you paused to grab her hand and drag her to the bar, "is eat."
     Ava looked at you with that adorable pout of yours that could practically convince you to do anything.
     You softly shook your head, "That's not gonna work on me. You need to eat. We both know that once you get your hands on that laptop, you do nothing for the rest of the day."
     Huffing, the woman let a playful frown form on her face before grabbing the cup of coffee you brewed for her. Once she took a sip,she let out a content sigh.
     "I still don't understand how you make such good coffee."
     You looked over your shoulder and threw her a wink.
     "I'll never tell."
     Turning back around, you grabbed the food and placed a plate in front of Ava before settling in the seat next to her.
     "Are you not gonna eat?"
     "Oh, I'll be stealing off of your plate."
     You grabbed a fork before taking a piece of her pancakes that had been doused in syrup. She stared at you blankly before smiling causing one to grow on your face as well.
     You stared at her profile as she ate. She was perfect--absolutely flawless to you. Yet, she saw herself as anything but. Oh, how you wished she saw herself as how you see her.
     Just the thought of her gave you butterflies.
     "I love you, darling."
     She turned her head towards you and grinned around her fork.
     "Love you more."
     "I'm pretty sure that's impossible."
     "Oh, but it's not."
     "Whatever you say."
     "What's that supposed to mean."
     "Nothing! Nothing at all dear."

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