Not Opposed - Tammy

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That's how you met Lou and Debbie. Alcohol; that's it. Well, that's what you like to tell people.
You left a stupid celebration one day--you couldn't remember what it was for--and went wandering in the dark (taser and knife ready to use) before finding a bar to chill at.
Lou saw you wandering outside of her bar and decided to confront you. When she placed a hand on your shoulder, you were quick to whip around and point your knife at her throat.
Instead of being scared (well she kind of was, but she'll never admit that), Lou was slightly impressed.
After you lowered your weapon, the woman explained how the establishment you stopped in front of was her bar and she then invited you in for a drink.
Debbie was quick to hound you with questions that you answered with ease. It was a surprise to both of them that you didn't crack under pressure.
The rest was history after that.
The older women were quick to take you under their wing. Maybe it was because you had such an endearing personality. That or the fact that you found out about their little side hustles as you liked to call them (to this day they still don't know how you did it).
One day, you decided to just chill out at the loft. You had done it so many times in the past that Lou had just decided to give you a spare key (mainly because she wanted you to stop breaking in her house).
You were relaxed on the couch, scrolling through your phone, when you heard the door open followed by chatter.
"Well, well, well," Debbie started, laying her jacket on the back of the couch. "Look who it is. Did you get my text?"
"What text?"
"I'll take that as a 'no'," she deadpanned as she walked away from you.
The other six nameless women gathered around and made themselves comfortable in the living room. Most of them were staring at you curiously.
"Ladies, (Y/n)," Lou introduced. "(Y/n), ladies."
You rolled your eyes at the woman's horrible introduction while she went to follow Debbie to the kitchen.
Noticing that the other women were getting involved in their own conversations, you placed your phone down and took a look at the blonde that was sitting next to you; she had been pretty quiet.
"What's your name, beautiful?"
She glanced at you with red cheeks scratched at the back of her neck.
"Excuse me?"
You sat up and rested your elbows on your knees.
"What's your name?"
"Uhh...T-tammy," she answered with furrowed eyebrows.
You nodded in response and started fidgeting with your cell phone.
"Would you let me take you on a date, Tammy?"
The woman choked on air and started coughing causing you to reach over and lightly pat her on the back. Once she had calmed down, she looked over at you in surprise.
"Aren't I a little old for you?"
"If you were 'too old', then I wouldn't have asked," you shrugged. "Plus age ain't nothing but a number."
Tammy shook her head and let out a chuckle of what sounded to be disbelief.
There were a few moments of silence before she finally answered.
"Then I guess I wouldn't be opposed."

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