Hiding Sickness-Demi Lovato

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Demi surprised me with a date when I got home from work yesterday. She said we were going to try the new restaurant that opened around the corner. When I got home today, I changed into a dress getting ready for our date. When we got there, the restaurant was crowded, full of customers eager to try the food. We were seated in our booth and I took in the sight. It was a beautiful place. I'm glad Demi decided to take me here. I ordered some pasta and Demi got a salad. The food was delicious. We paid the bill and left. As we were walking home, I started to feel a little queasy. I pushed that feeling aside though as we continued to walk home. By time we got home, I felt even worse. I was nauseous and wanted to go to bed. Once again, I pushed the feeling aside since Demi wanted us to cuddle on the couch and watch movies together. After we showered and changed into pajamas, we got settled on the couch. We both sat down and cuddled into each other. She put Netflix on and changed it to Princess Diaries. I put my head on her shoulder and she started to lay down. When I was moving, the nauseous feeling creeped up on me but I tried my best to hold it back. She wrapped her arms around my stomach, which made me feel even worse. I slowly pushed her hands off of me not wanting to vomit any time soon. "Baby, what's wrong?" I heard Demi say and it made me feel bad for some reason. I didn't really trust my voice considering I was on the brink of crying and throwing up. I just simply shook my head. She slowly got up causing me to do the same since I was on top of her. "I know you're lying. Just tell me what's wrong." I was about to say something, but the urge was too strong. I quickly stood up and ran to the guest bathroom. I made sure to lock the door behind me. I didn't want Demi to see me like this. I run over to the toilet and let everything I've been holding in out. It kept going for a couple of minutes until I no longer felt nauseous. I tried to get up only to realize that I was too weak to do so. I laid down on the cold tiles, feeling relief on my sweaty back. I was about to fall asleep but was shaken back to my senses when I heard a knock on the door. I started to feel the guilt poor through me and the tears started to build up. Quiet sobs left my mouth as tears ran down my face. I slowly got up, barely able to keep my balance. I walked towards the door and it seemed farther away than it actually was. I stretch out my trembling hand towards the door and unlock the door. The door opened and I couldn't stand any longer. I slowly start to fall but Demi catches me. My eyes roll back as I slowly pass out in Demi's arms. When I woke up, I was in the bed with Demi next to me. "Honey why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" And again, the tears started flowing. "I don't know. I was just so excited about sending time with you and I didn't want to ruin anything. I'm sorry," I say my voice slightly trembling. "Princess you have nothing to be sorry for. You wouldn't have ruined anything. I don't want you to be sick." I simply nodded my head feeling too weak to say anything else. "Drink some water and get some rest. And next time you need anything at all please let me know. I love you." "I love you too."

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