Tickle Fights-Demi Lovato

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Y/n's POV
What had started off as simple cuddling with Demi, became a tickle fight. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Her arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me close. I felt so safe and secure in her grasp; an effect only she had on me. She started to move her hand down my side. I started to squirm and my eyes widened as I realized that I never told her I was ticklish. "You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine," I reply. I quickly advert my attention back to the movie, but I saw Demi looking at me through the corner of her eye. I looked at her and saw a smirk on her face. "What?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about something,"she replies, the smirk never leaving her lips. She moved her hand back down to my ticklish spot and I burst into laughter. She looks at me with a huge smile on her face and I knew what was going on. "No! Demi, no!" I tried to get away but she just pulled me down on the couch and straddled me. She put her hands to my sides and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breath. "Demi! I-I can't breath!" I say through fits of laughter. She didn't stop. This continued for about 2 minutes before she does stop. I was trying to catch my breath while Demi was staring at me. "You're so adorable. I love your laugh," she says making me blush. She slowly leans down to where her lips hovered above mine. My heart started racing. Even after 5 months of dating, she still made me get butterflies. She leaned down slowly and pressed her lips to mine. Our lips moved together in sync. It was a slow and loving kiss. Her tongue licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I give it to her and her tongue explored my mouth. I let out a small moan as she deepened the kiss. She slowly pulled away, biting my bottom lip. "We're gonna need more tickle fights if they always end like this," she says. I let out a small laugh. Although I hated being tickled, I wouldn't be mad if our tickle fights ended like this. She leaned back in and my eyes fluttered shut as we continued our make out session.

A/n: Um hello. Sorry if this sucks but I'm still trying to get better. If you have some requests please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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