Old Ways Pt.3-Demi Lovato

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Dianna ran towards you panicking. The water you had spilled all over the counter but that was the least of her concern.
"Y/n! Y/n please wake up!"
When you fell, your shirt slightly lifted, showing some of your cuts. Dianna saw them and tears slowly fell down her face. She reached for her phone and immediately called Demi. Demi picked up on the second ring. Before they could say anything Dianna started talking.
"Demi she passed out. I walked through the door and she fell to the ground. She's so small and frail. She's been cutting herself too. There are scars all over her stomach,"
Dianna said, her voice shaky. Demi was in absolute shock. They felt so stupid for believing when you said you were fine. They should've known. "Mom, is she gonna be okay? Please tell me she's gonna be ok," Demi said their voice shaking as well.
"I don't know baby. I'm taking her to the hospital now."
Demi cried over the phone, their sobs loud. When Dianna was about to pick you up, your eyes slowly fluttered open. You tried to get up but Dianna pushed you back down. As you were laying back down, you saw that your shirt was up. You quickly pulled it down, but Dianna already saw. You started to cry.
"Hey don't cry. It's ok. Just breathe and tell me what's going on. I won't judge you. I promise."
You wanted to tell her but part of you didn't want to. Dianna was about to say something until she looked at the time. It was 12:45 on a Wednesday and you would usually be at work. "Wait what's going on. Aren't you usually at work right now?"
That's when you broke down. You couldn't keep hiding anymore. As much as you didn't want to worry her, you knew it was best to get it all out. You told Dianna everything that's happened, with Demi still on the phone listening as well.
"I got fired a couple of weeks after Demi left and- and I just didn't know how to deal with it. I wanted to say something; I did. But I didn't want to be a burden to you or Demi. I thought I could handle it. I'm sorry," you say tears streaming down your face. "There's nothing to be sorry for," you hear someone saying. You look over and realize Demi was on the phone. "Princess, you will never be a burden to me and you should never feel that way. I love you so much. I'm coming home."
This is what you didn't want to happen. Even though she finished all her shows, they still had some important business to take care of out of state.
"No Demi. This is why I didn't want to tell you. You have important things to do."
"You're more important than any work I have. I'm booking a plane ticket right now."
There was no point in arguing with her. Dianna picked up her phone talking to Demi for a while before hanging up. She looked at you with tears streaming down her face. "Why haven't you been eating, y/n?"
"I don't know. There was just so much stress and after a while I just stopped getting out of bed."
Dianna didn't know what to say so she just hugged you. You were still on the kitchen floor so she helped you over to the couch.
"I'm so sorry. I never meant to cause all this trouble."
"No y/n. You're not causing any trouble. Demi and I care about you so much. We want you to be healthy. When was the last time you ate?" You tried to speak but you just chocked on your words.
"I-I think last week."
"Well I'm going to make you something alright. You just lay down and get some rest."
You simply nodded your head.
After about 30 minutes, Dianna woke you up. She made you some pasta and handed you the plate. Pasta is your favorite food but the smell of it made you gag. You twirled it around with your fork and tried to eat as much as you could. You barely finished half of the plate, but Dianna was ok with that. You went back to sleep for a couple of hours until you woke up to the sound of the door opening. It was Demi. They dropped all of her bags and ran over to you. You noticed tear stains on their cheeks.
"Oh princes," was all they said before enveloping you into a hug. You felt a sense of protection. You missed their smell, their touch, everything.
"Baby why didn't you tell me?"
You just shrugged your shoulders. They looked down and saw the cuts on your stomach. You saw their eyes starting to water.
"Demi don't cry. This is why I didn't want to tell you. I don't want you to worry about me. I know you want me to tell you everything but I just couldn't this time."
"I know everything is hard right now but you just have to tell me when you're feeling like this. You shouldn't go through this alone. I don't want you to go back to how you used to be. I love you for who you are and you should never be ashamed of anything. I'm going to get you the help you need."
You started crying and slowly sat up. Demi kisses your temple as you leaned on their shoulder. Dianna came over and gave you a hug before she left. You knew you could get through this with Demi by your side.

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