Untitled Part 2

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Touka pov
Hinami:" Touka will you cut my hair after work today?" Touka:" Yeah sure thing kid." Hinami and her mother have been staying with us for a few days. I was getting ready for my shift when I heard a newsbroadcast. Apparently there's been quite a bit of activity by a ghoul that calls himself "The Black Rabbit."


I was walking down the hall when I saw Ayato approaching me. He was carrying a bag and he looked pissed off. Ayato:" Tell me you have more common sense than yn." Touka:" Depends what's going on?" Ayato:" This place is a joke. Ghouls can't coexist with humans. The doves always find us. We need to be out in the real world learning how to fight against them. So we don't lose anyone else. Yn refused to leave. She's brainwashed thinking that this could work. Touka please don't tell me your on her side. Come with me." Touka:" Ayato I've been in the real world after dad died. Your not gonna find the answers out there." Ayato:" But I'll find them here?" Touka:" I honestly can't answer that but I don't think you should leave. You've barely given this a chance." Ayato:" I dont have time for this shit. You guys are dumbasses."
Flashback ends
Touka:" Screw this. I don't feel like working my shift today."

Yn pov
Since Ayato left I started paying more attention to the news. A few months ago there have been alot of cases about a ghoul under the alias of "Black Rabbit." I know it's him. I gulped my whiskey as I watched the broadcast. I whispered "please Ayato be careful." Kaneki: " Yn are you drinking? Our shift starts in 15 minutes. " I gulped the rest of my whiskey down. Yn:" I'm not drinking. I don't know what your talking about." He rolled his eyes. Kaneki: " Why are you watching this? It's depressing." I quickly turned the channel. Yn:" I know something just..caught my attention." I said sadly. Kaneki: " Who's Ayato?" Yn:" What?" Kaneki:" Sorry when I walked in I heard you whisper something about Ayato. Also on the door to Touka's room it says her name and Ayato. " Yn:" He's Touka's younger brother. He lived here with us until he....he just needs sometime away. He'll be back someday."

Kaneki pov
I regretted asking that question. She looked like she was fighting back tears. I think she's in denial. Yn:" Anyway so where the hell is Touka? Our shift is about to start." Kaneki:" Oh yeah she called off so it's just gonna be us tonight." Yn:" Seriously?! It's a Friday night. We're gonna die." I chuckled. Kaneki:" Your so dramatic yn. We'll be fine. We can handle it."

Yn pov
After I finished my shift I made my way to Uta's. I was very close with him. He was one of the few people i felt comfortable opening up to. I never felt judged by him. I was admiring his latest work. Uta:" Ready for another mask my dear?" Yn:" No mine is still in good shape. But I would like you to put a tattoo on my back." He chuckled. Uta:" Ok what would you like?" I gave him a half smile. Yn:" A black rabbit." He gave me a sad smile. Uta:" Ok my dear. Take off your shirt and have a seat."

Kaneki pov
Me and Touka were on our way to a mask shop. Apparently every ghoul has a mask for their safety. Yoshimura thought it was time I have one. When we walked into the shop the bell rang. Shortly after a man came out from the hallway. He was covered in tattoos and his hair was black and tied up in a pony tail. Uta:" Hello Touka. What do I owe the pleasure?" Touka:" Kaneki here needs a mask." Uta:" I see. I'm about finished with yn. Then I'll be with ya guys." Touka:" What are you doing with yn?" Uta:" I'm tattooing her. I'm just about done." Touka:" I didn't know she wanted a tattoo. Can we watch you work?" Uta:" Sure why not." We went into a backroom. Yn was laying down on the tattoo bed with her shirt off. Uta:" Yn we have visitors." She looked at me and Touka and smiled. Yn:" Hey guys. What brings you here? " Touka:" Kaneki just needs a mask. So what are you having done?" Touka got closer so she could see yn's tattoo. Her smile faded. She huffed. Touka:" Looks good Uta. I'm gonna go look at your latest mask work." I watched Touka leave the room in confusion. I didnt understand why she seemed mad. Uta:" Ok my dear its done. Have a look in the mirror." Yn stood up from the bed and walked over to the mirror. I instantly blushed as I stared at her shirtless body. She wasn't modest at all. She looked at the tattoo in the mirror and smiled. Yn:" I love it Uta. Thank you." She handed him some cash. Yn:" What do you think Kaneki?...Kaneki?" I was snapped out of my thoughts. Kaneki:" I'm sorry what? Oh.. yeah Looks good." Uta chuckled. Uta:" My dear I think you should put your shirt back on." Oh geez. He caught onto me. I'm so embarrassed.
After Yn put her shirt back on we went back to the main room. Touka was trying on a mask. Yn:" See anything you like?" Touka gave Yn an annoyed look. She gently placed the mask down. Touka:" I know your having trouble of letting go but....you got a rabbit tattoo seriously?" Yn:" I just wanted to feel.. close to him. You shouldn't of let go of him so easily. Whenever he comes back..." Touka:" He's not coming back! Face reality! " Yn sighed as she turned away from Touka. Yn:" Anyway Uta thank you. I'm gonna head home." Uta:" Yn Wait" Uta walked up to Yn and gave her a hug. I heard him whisper. Uta:" There's nothing wrong with having hope yn." They slowly retracted from the hug. She smiled at him. Yn:" Ill see you tomorrow for drinks?" Uta chuckled. Uta:" Yes my dear as usual."

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