Untitled Part 4

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Ayato pov

She couldnt keep her balance she fell to her knees. I rushed over to her and placed my hands on her. She quickly backed away from me. She grasped her head and had her forehead on her knees. She started shaking. Yn:" Please dont hurt me! If your going to touch me please do it to kill me! I don't want to suffer anymore! I can't!" I've never seen her look so scared. I felt a rage in me. Multiple scenarios went through my head of what could have been done to her. I slowly approached her. Ayato:" Yn... you don't recognize me? It's Ayato. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to rescue you." I carefully placed my hand on her shoulder. My heart went cold when I felt her skin. She felt like ice. Her eyes met mine. She looked like she was uncertain of what she was seeing. Yn:" Ay..ato?" A tear rolled down her cheek. She reached her hand towards me. I gently grasped her hand. She looked at my hand in hers in shock. Yn:" Your...really here." A sob left her. Ayato:" Yeah sweetheart. I'm here." She quickly wrapped her arms around me. I tightened my grip on her. She shook in my arms. I was fighting back tears. Seeing her like this was the hardest thing ive ever seen. Yn:" I thought...I would never see you again." Ayato:" I would never leave you in here Yn. Ill always find you." She was so frail I was afraid I would break her. Ayato:" Yn..What did they do to you?" Her grip on me tightened. She let out another sob. Yn:" I...I cant Ayato." I wasnt going to force it out of her. I slowly pulled away from her. I put my hand on her cheek. Ayato:" We have to go." I took off my coat and wrapped it around her. We started walking then her legs gave out. Yn:" I'm sorry I'm too weak." I kneeled down to her level. I knew what I had to do. Ayato:" It'll be ok. You just need to regain your strength. " I pulled down my shirt exposing my shoulder. Ayato:" Feed from me. Take what you need." She shook her head. Yn:" Ayato I can't. " Ayato:" You don't have a choice. We need to get out of here. It'll be a pain in the ass to fight and carry you." She slowly nodded. I held her up by her waist as she sunk her teeth into me. I clenched my teeth at the pain. My grip tightened on her. I grunted as she tore off a piece of my flesh. She slowly retracted from me. My blood oozed from my wounded shoulder. I placed my hand on her chin raising her face towards mine. Ayato:" Better?" Yn:" Yeah." I caressed her cheek. Her green eyes pierced mine. I've missed those eyes so much. I don't know what came over me. I felt like I was being sucked into her. I placed my lips on hers. I melted into her. I heard gunshots. I slowly pulled away from her. Ayato:" Ok we gotta go." I grabbed her by her wrist and We ran towards the exit. An investigator wearing armour blocked our path. My eyes widened as I caught the scent of my father. My father was his armour. I trembled. All these years youve been gone. I never thought I would feel his presence again. Now hes being defiled by that investigator. I released my kagune. Ayato:" You son of a bitch!"

Kaneki pov
She died because I couldn't protect her. I wasn't strong enough. I need more power. I have to protect everyone! I trembled as I felt my kagune change. All i could focus on was the power coursing through my veins. I have to protect them all! I will! I followed the scent of Yn and Ayato. I shook in rage as i saw the state Yn and Ayato were in they were both badly injured. The investigator stood over them. I saw a flash of Ryouko's death. No! I wont let that happen to them. I won't! After that I lost myself all I saw was red.

I lost control of myself in cochlea Eto intervened and pulled us out. Ayato recovered from his injuries pretty fast but Yn needed more time. I stood in the doorway watching Ayato by yn's bedside. She was unconscious. He was holding her hand and whispering something in her ear. He slowly pulled away from her ear. Ayato:" Are you just gonna stand there like a peeping Tom?" Kaneki:" Sorry I didn't want to interrupt." I walked over to yn's side. I almost didn't recognize her. She looked like she'd been through hell. She was so pale she looked like she hasnt been eating. The white streaks flowed through her hair. Ayato:" Kaneki.. she was tortured by the same man who tortured Jason." My heart skipped a beat as flashes went through my head of what Jason did to me. Ayato:" Kaneki when jason....do you think yn's gonna be ok?" I placed my hand in Yn's. What jason did to me I wouldnt wish on my worst  enemy. Knowing that it happened to someone i care deeply for. Made me sick to my stomach. Ayato:" Kaneki?" Kaneki:" I..can't answer that. What Jason did to me I..still have nightmares. Just be there for her. That's all you can do."

Ayato pov
My hand was in Yn's. I laid my chin on my hands. I couldn't bring myself to leave her side. I've missed her so much. Since the day I left all I wanted was to feel her touch again. Now that I finally have I don't want to let her go. My eyes slowly drifted shut.

I woke up to Yn screaming and flailing around. I firmly held her down by her shoulders. Ayato:"Yn!" Ayato:" It's ok! Its just a dream! Yn wake up!"" Her eyes flew open. She let out a few deep breaths. I placed my hand on her cheek. Ayato:" Yn?" Tears started to leave her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Yn:"Ayato." I rubbed circles on her back. Ayato:"Shh. It's okay I'm here. Your safe now." I looked in the doorway. There stood Kaneki. Ayato:" I got it." He nodded and walked away. Ayato:" Go back to sleep yn. You need to rest." I gently pushed her back down. She grasped my wrist. Yn:" Please.." Ayato:" I know sweetheart. Im not going anywhere. " I crawled under the covers with her and wrapped my arms around her. A flash went through me of when we were kids. When she first moved in with us. I heard her screams every night from my bedroom. Then one night I decided to comfort her. Partially because I was annoyed of her screams waking me up every night but also because I didn't want her going through this alone. After awhile I made a habit out of sleeping in bed with her. It seemed like the only time she slept peacefully. I came back into reality as I watched her drift back to sleep. Her hand clutched the chest of my shirt. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Yn pov
I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar setting. I frantically sat up. "Where the hell am i?" I threw the covers off me I was about to get up when I heard a familar voice. Ayato:" Calm down your all right. Lay back down. " Ayato rushed over to my side and placed a cup of coffee on the nightstand. Yn:" Where am i?" Ayato:" Don't worry about that right now all that matters is that your safe. Your friend Kaneki is here too." My eyes widened. Yn:" I want to see him." Ayato:" He's out right now he'll be back soon." He wrapped his arms around me. I melted into him. I felt so safe in his arms. I cant remember the last time I felt that. This is what ive been craving for since the day he left. A smile spread across my face. Finally i have him back. Im exactly where i want to be. Ayato rubbed circles on my back. Ayato:" I'm not gonna let anything happen to you again...Your gonna be mad at me but I'm doing this to protect you." Yn:" Doing what?" Ayato:" I'm not letting you go back to Antieku." My smile left me. Everyone at Antieku crossed my mind. My home. Yn:" Your not letting me? " I pulled away from him. Ayato:" Yn you tried that experiment of yours. Look where you ended up. If i wasn't able to rescue you..." He clenched his fist. Ayato:" I dont even want to think about that." Yn:" So.. am I your prisoner now?" Ayato:" If thats the way you look at it fine. I don't care if your pissed off. I'd rather you be pissed off than dead."

Carry on. AyatoxGhoulReader Tokyo GhoulWhere stories live. Discover now