The Fallen

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It has been days since the battle was won however Sabine thinking Ezra is dead has retreated to her room in the stronghold only leaving for food and water when necessary, losing Kanan was bad but this is much worse to her as she wants so spend the rest of her life with someone who to her knowledge is dead.

Sabine hears shouting from the main room of the stronghold so she goes to listen 

"we found something, it is a body however it is not Mandalorian it is a young man in an orange jumpsuit however he is heavily injured" one of the scouts reports  

"that's him, bring him back" Ursa orders 

Sabine enters the room with her jetpack on as her family sees the armour she wears 

"Sabine, come here" her mother calls to her as she hugs her daughter where she hears her daughter crying softly 

"he will be okay Sabine, I promise" Ursa encourages her daughter

"how do you know that?" Sabine challenges her mother not believing what she has said 

"one of our scouts has found him, he is injured but he is alive" Ursa notifies her

"thank you mother" Sabine says easing her crying

"why do you care so much about the Jedi?" Ursa asks intrigued 

"because I love him" Sabine says reluctantly 

"you love the Jedi?" Ursa says to herself 

"I do mother" Sabine says reaffirming her love for Ezra 

a few hours passes until Ezra's body is brought into the Wren stronghold where he is taken for medical care, he has a scar over his left eye however he is not blinded and his left hand was crushed beyond repair so he now has a cybernetic hand 

"Ezra, why the kriff did you have to do that?" Sabine asks annoyed not knowing if he is awake or not

"because I love you Sabine" Ezra says as he sits up in his bed

"I love you too Ezra, just don't do something like that ever again" Sabine says as she hugs him as she helps him sit up and he sees her armour and the dull colour it is 

"Sabine, why did you change your armour?" Ezra asks concerned

"because I thought I lost you Ezzy, Mandalorians love for life and losing you would have destroyed me" she says back holding in tears 

"Bine, I'm sorry for what I did but I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he says to her

"you do?" she asks smiling slightly 

"I do, that's what I was talking to your father about I was asking permission for something" he says smirking slightly 

"what was you gaining his permission for?" she asks intrigued 

"this" after saying this he gets onto one knee and pulls out a black box as he opens it he reveals a kyber crystal 

"Sabine, will you marry me?" he asks expecting to be rejected 

"Ezra Bridger, I will marry you" she responds as they both get up and walk to the main room of the stronghold

"mother" Sabine calls 

"yes Sabine, Bridger" she says to them both

"I am getting married to Ezra" Sabine says with happiness as her mother simply looks at her with a stern face before smiling hugging them both 

"you shall both be wed in a few days here" Ursa says 

"Bridger, if you hurt her Clan Wren will hunt you down and destroy you" Ursa threatens Ezra half playing but half serious 

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