The Battle of Ach-To

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Ezra and Sabine enter the orbit of Ach-To aboard their shuttle. As they approach the site of the battle they find it to have spread rapidly with bodies littering the ground both Imperial and Jedi of all ranks.

they leave the shuttle and start walking towards the main temple with the hope of finding Kanan, Mira and Jacen, Ezra draws his lightsabre as Sabine readies her blasters as they find a legion of stormtroopers surrounding the temple placing it under siege.

Sabine lifts her wrist to talk into her communication device as she speaks to her mother Ursa 

"mother, we need help immediately the Jedi temple on Ach-To is under siege"

"Sabine, we have only just started to lay the foundations to rebuild Mandalore I can not spare any forces to come to help you"

"Ezra almost gave his life to defend us and now you are refusing to help save the closest thing he has to a family?"

"I am sorry Sabine, we simply do not have anything spare"

Sabine ends the call 

"Ezra, I'm sorry but Clan Wren can not come to help us"

"it is fine Sabine, we should be able to do this"

"I know, but this is something like we have never dealt with"

as they turn a corner there is a small squad of stormtroopers which they quickly defeat with Ezra using his lightsabre and the force whereas Sabine uses her twin blasters and some small impact explosives 

"do all of you Mandalorians carry explosives?" Ezra jokes lightly 

"of course we do," she says in response 

"you know I love you don't you?"

"of course I do Ezzy, why do you say that?"

"I don't know I just have a feeling this is a trap of some kind"

"why do you say that?"

"This just seems too easy"

"yes, you have a point"

"come on we better get into the temple itself to find everyone"

they then start to run past the small number of troopers outside as they get into the main part of the temple

they find the blue-skinned, red-eyed man that they knew to be Grand Admiral Thrawn as he turns to them with Mira and Kanan at his feet

"ah Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, so nice of you to finally join us"

"let them go Thrawn," Ezra says in a demanding tone 

"no, I don't think you are in a position to make any demands Jedi"

"what do you want Thrawn?" 

"I want you to choose who lives," Thrawn says as he grins as they are both thrown to the ground with troopers armed with axes above them ready to execute 

"your master?" as the trooper by Kanan prepares his axe

"or your daughter?" as the trooper prepares a killing blow 

"Why are you doing this?"

"to make you see Ezra, you are not all-powerful"

"I know I am not all-powerful"

"then why do you cling to an Order that has fallen?"

"I cling to it for the hope it brings to people across the galaxy"

"How sentimental but one of these will die you have the choice to choose which one lives" 

"Thrawn, I always took you for a smart man but now I realise you fail to notice something very important"


"you have been talking to me all of this time yet you fail to realise I entered with Sabine"

"find the girl" Thrawn orders to his forces before they hear blaster fire and Kanan and Mira are both free again

"I want that Mandalorian dead" Thrawn barks at his troopers 

while everything seems to be going great for the rescue soon Ezra is caught off guard by a stray blaster bolt hitting him in the chest having broken through his defences, he clutches his chest in pain as he falls to the floor

"EZRA" Kanan yells as he runs over to his Padawan kneeling by the side of him 

Kanan is then stunned as is Mira and Sabine 

they soon find themselves waking up a few hours later still in the main hall as Sabine is on her knees by Thrawn as he lifts a lightsabre of a fallen Jedi to deal a killing blow before Sabine hears a noise all too familiar 

Sabine looks around to see Mandalorians within the temple belonging to Clan Wren and Clan Kryze as they fly around killing stormtroopers and other officers before Ezra is evacuated by Bo-Katan takes to their ship to provide medical care  using bacta to heal the majority of the wounds he sustained during the battle

"Are you scared now, girl?"

"no in fact the opposite"

"what do you mean?"

"I now have very little to fear," Sabine says as she stands running to where Ezra was to pick up his emerald green blade

"brave but foolish," Thrawn says as he activates the blue lightsabre he was going to kill her with as he swings for her breaking her basic defence as he delivers a kick to her stomach making her drop as he swings for her head, Kanan uses his lightsabre to block his killing blow 

"a failed padawan and a Mandalorian who can not fight?"

"the only one that has failed here is you Thrawn"

"I don't think so Jedi"

"what do you mean?"

"I have Jacen Syndulla aboard my star destroyer in a torture cell as we extract information from him regarding your pathetic crew"

"WHAT?!" Kanan roared in anger forcing Sabine to stand back as Kanan's strikes became unfocused 

"It would take a miracle for you to pull off a win here now" 

with this Sabine raises her gauntlet to fire a repulsor blast at Thrawn as Kanan falls to the floor in anger and sadness rocking the floor around him 

"Kanan, we will find him I promise"

"it is my fault he was taken"

"no Kanan it was Thrawn, he took Jacen"

"you should go and deal with Ezra" Kanan says coldly as she runs out to see Ezra in one of the ships unconscious having been hit in the chest 

"Sabine, I am sorry but there is little we can do for Ezra his chances of survival are simply too low at only 5% even if he survives he will likely be in a coma"

"lets get him to Clan Wren's fortress where we can send him to be treated"

"that's the plan" 

the Mandalorian who was talking goes to the cockpit leaving Ezra and Sabine alone as she lays her head on his chest where she can not hear his heartbeat at all

"Ezra, come on you can survive this, you're the strongest person I know and the only person i will ever love please come on Ezzy"

she looks down his body with little faith left that he will pull through as she wraps an arm around him hoping a miracle would occur and he would wrap an arm around her, she fears this will be the last time she will ever be able to hug him

soon their ship exits hyperspace as they land on Clan Wren's fortress landing pad where Ursa and other medics rush out to help the young Jedi who had taken the blaster shot for Sabine which would have hit her in the back were it not for Ezra 

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