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Ezra awakens the next morning next to Sabine who is hugging him tighter than usual as he gets up to go to the refresher to shower and shave, when he is gone Sabine sits up and gets dressed before Ezra comes out of the refresher.

"hey Bine, you're up early" 

"I could say the same about you Bridger" 

"I wanted to get ready before our time away from the temple begins" 

"have you looked on the cabinet next to the bed on your side?"

"not yet, why?" Ezra says as he walks over before looking down at the cabinet 

"Sabine, are you?" 

"yes Ezra, we are having another child"

"this is one of the best days of my life, I love you Bine" 

"I love you too Ezra"

with this he pulls her into a tighter embrace than usual as he kisses her on the cheek before they part and head downstairs for breakfast in the grand hall with Ezra being incredibly protective of his pregnant wife as his lightsabre hangs from his belt 

"what do you want to do today?" Ezra asks her

"I have heard that they do boating trips on the lake here which sounds nice" 

"okay, we will do that then"

after they both finish their breakfast consisting mainly of space waffles and caf, Ezra holds the hand of his wife as they leave the hall and go to one of the many stalls on the busy streets of Theed where they find the vendor offering boats to rent 

"good morning" Ezra says to the vendor 

"good morning sir, how can I help you?" 

"we would like to rent a boat for the day, how much will that be?" 

"20 credits for an hour, 100 credits for the day"

"okay then" Ezra says as he pays for the boat as he helps Sabine on 

Ezra starts rowing to one of the nearby streams that take them below the city out by the waterfall 

as they arrive Ezra steps out of the boat onto a nearby rock as he helps Sabine out of the boat as they both sit down on the rock as they start talking 



"what happened when you were in the Unknown Regions with Thrawn?"

"it doesn't matter, it is all in the past" Ezra says as he looks away into the lake 

"it does matter, I am here to help you get over what happened as when you heard Thrawn came back you were angrier than I have ever seen you even worse than when Kanan died"

"during my time with Thrawn he would often try and break me by injecting with a drug that showed the night Kanan died or sometimes it would be other members of the crew and sometimes it would be all of you and I am alone again" Ezra says as his eyes begin to fill with tears 

"anything else?"

"why do you want me to relive those memories?, they cause so much pain"

"I'm sorry Ezra, but if you tell me what happened I can help you"

"he would often make me go days without food or water unless I told him information he wanted to know, other times he would send in torture droids to forcefully extract information or sometimes he would send in an ISB agent who would just be incredibly violent using knives, batons, tasers or blasters"

"I am going to kriffing kill him when I next see him"

"no Sabine, you must remain on the right path, if I see him I will not kill him because I would much rather see him spend the rest of his days in prison"

"very well" Sabine says as she hugs into Ezra sitting in his lap as they look out at the peaceful water of Naboo where she soon falls asleep into a nap in the warm hold of her strong Jedi husband 

a few hours later she wakes up still in his arms as he meditates through the force using his force connection with Kanan to talk to him as he remains at the temple, as Sabine tried to move she disturbs his meditation

"hey sleepy"

"shut up Bridger" she says chuckling slightly 

"come on we better go back to the surface as there is something here that is strong with the force"

"what is it?"

"I don't know"

"alright then, let's get going"

with this they both get on their boat and start to sail back upstream to reach the surface, as they reach the surface they both leave the ship and walk through the busy streets as Ezra senses something pulling him towards a building old yet beautiful.

as he walks up to the building he sees the body of a woman she is beautiful yet she lies there on display, Sabine holds his hand as he observes the body before a guard comes over

"who is she?"

"that is Queen Padme Amidala of Naboo who was killed by a Jedi now I am going to have to ask you to leave"

"Padme? wasn't she wife of Anakin Skywalker?"

"she was and he killed her"

"it wasn't Anakin that killed her, he was overtaken by Darth Vader and his anger must have got too much for him to control"

"like I said Jedi you are going to have to leave before you are arrested for trespassing" the guard says as he raises his blaster to the married couple as they walk out 

Ezra has a call on his radio 

"this is Bridger, what is wrong?"

"this is Kanan the Jedi temple is under attack we need you two back here as soon as possible"

"affirmative we are on our way"

with this they both run back to the hotel where he grabs his blaster attaching it to his hip as Sabine gets changed into her armour equipping her 2 blaster pistols before they both run out to their ship as Sabine runs to the cockpit to fly them to Ach-To while Ezra sits in the back reaching out with the force to Mira and Kanan to check if they are alive 

"Mira it is me your dad, can you hear me?"

"Kanan its me Ezra, can you hear me?"

both respond 

"yes Ezra we can hear you but we need your help soon"

Sabine enters hyperspace with the shuttle coming out just above Ach To before they land and see the Imperial Remnant attacking

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